Thank you for your support
The Insurance Times announced the results of their annual eTrade Survey and we’re delighted to see that our Fast Trade platform has been rated the number one extranet platform for the 3rd year in a row.
Providing you with a fast and easy to use trading platform with an extensive range of products and supported by the speed and quality of responses from our underwriters has never been more critical. We’re proud to have maintained a first-class service that you can depend on, with access across all channels remaining open, helping meet the changing demand of your teams whilst they’ve adapted to working from home.
Our commitment to you is that we won’t stand still. We’ll continue to review and refine our proposition in response to your feedback, ensuring we keep pace with changing market conditions, bringing the best of Aviva to the you online.
From all of the Aviva Digital team, we’d like to thank you for your continued support.