Green Card update
Following on from our last Green Card update on 30 September, we promised to keep you updated on any developments and changes.
Since this announcement, the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) have advised that a Green Card is no longer required for Trailers/caravans (non-commercial between 750kg and 3500kg) when travelling in the Green Card Free Circulation Area (GCFCA)*. They do however advise that for anyone wishing to travel here with their trailer/caravan, they should voluntarily register it with the DVLA and carry proof of that registration just in case they are stopped whilst driving abroad.
For any of your clients who wish to travel outside of the GCFCA, please continue to follow the current process and speak to your usual underwriting contact.
Our focus, as always is to ensure your clients have the necessary documents to take their vehicles overseas.
We’ll continue to monitor developments and will contact you with any further updates or actions you or your clients need to take.
* Includes all 30 European Economic Area (EEA) countries as well as Andorra, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Gibraltar and Switzerland.