Our cycle for a great cause

On Tuesday 14th September 2021, a group of friends from the world of Insurance will be cycling over 220 miles from Anfield in Liverpool to The University Arms Hotel in Cambridge, home of this year’s Club 110 Conference,  supporting 'Team Aviva & Friends Fundraising for Rutty & Paula' in their quest to raise £30,000 for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Paula Goody and Paul Routledge were much loved colleagues at Aviva, both of whom had their lives tragically cut short by pancreatic cancer. Paula sadly passed away in 2015 and we lost Paul just a few weeks before Christmas last year. Both of them were hugely respected both within Aviva and with the broker partners they worked with over the years.

The impact of losing them both has been significant, and a team within Aviva’s GI Distribution business decided that their memories should be honoured and have set about raising £30,000 for Pancreatic Cancer UK to help the fight against this dreadful disease.

This bike ride is part of that fund raising endeavour, and has set its own ambitious target to raise £15,000. With 13 riders from Aviva, including Chief Distribution Officer Gareth Hemming,  and a number of insurance brokers taking part (Anthony Adler - Adler Fairways, Justin Griffiths - Plester Group, Ian Roberts - Bartlett Group, Andrew Rigby - Rigby Financial, Andy Thompson - Education Protect, Dave Williams - Henshalls), all of whom have very fond memories of working with Paula and Paul, the 2 day challenge will see them cover over 100 miles each day once they leave Anfield, home of Paul’s beloved Liverpool FC, before arriving  into Cambridge for day 1 of Aviva’s Club 110 Conference, an event both Paula and Paul were regular attendees at over the years.

All of the riders have been training very hard over the last few months as they face into what will be a very tough challenge, but they have done so determined to complete the ride in memory of their dear friends.

If you would like to support them in this challenge you can do so at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/220-to-110-cycle#start