Speak to our personal lines claims experts via Live Chat

During our broker roadshow events earlier this year, you told us you wanted more digital functionality - so back in May we extended our Live Chat capability to cover commercial claims.

Since launch, this has been well utilised with our claims experts hosting 1,900 chats in July and over 2,000 in August. The feedback has been positive with 90% of brokers who completed a post-chat survey reporting themselves as satisfied or extremely satisfied with the service.*

We're always looking to build on and improve our service, so we’re pleased to let you know that you can now also use Live Chat for personal lines claims as well.

In addition to this development, we’ve made some changes to the pre-chat drop down questions, tweaking them to make it clearer and easier for you to get to the right team first time.

Key changes are:

  • Dynamic dropdowns – this makes the pre-chat questions less intimidating at first glance and means we don’t need all the selections to be completed before we can direct you to the right outcome.
  • Clearer selections – the drop down options and order have been reviewed - you can now select Personal or Commercial to start with to make it clearer up front. There's also an option to select ‘website support/errors’ so you can be routed directly to the Aviva Broker Online Support Team if you’re experiencing technical issues.
  • Alternative contact – alternative contact methods have been reviewed and updated.

If you have any questions please speak to your Claims Service Manager or usual claims contact.

*Based on feedback from a post-chat survey completed by brokers who have used the service between 1 June and 31 August 2021.