Vulnerable road users awareness toolkit for commercial motor clients

Following on from our successful webinar on the topic of Vulnerable Road User (VRU) awareness and the subsequent launch of our guide for employers, we’re creating a range of other materials to help you share this message with your clients.

The latest addition to the toolkit is a video which explains how we can use the roads safely, together. It helps to define what we mean by VRU, highlights some of the key changes that came out of the Highway Code updates earlier this year and looks at the potential impact of being caught using a phone whilst driving.

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As this video is aimed at all road users, it might also be helpful information for any of your personal lines motor customers who may not be aware of the legislative changes. Feel free to copy this link and add to any social activity or e-newsletters. 

Other useful material

As a reminder, here are some of the other documents in our toolkit that we’ve shared with you already:

Broker Create

There's also a version of the above awareness guide on Broker Create so you can dual-brand it with your own logo before sharing with any interested clients - just visit Broker Mentor to access this version.