Your Club 110 Members' Lounge

We're passionate about helping Club 110 brokers go further

Welcome to the Club 110 Members' Lounge

Explore the members' lounge for latest news, club benefits, webinars and team contacts.

Your 2025 Service Charter

Designed so that you have a clear understanding about how we'll go further on a day-to day basis for you, our charter outlines your dedicated support and contact details for the key parts of our business you deal with.

Club 110 news

110 Extra January 2025 Edition

110 Extra 2024 Conference Edition

Going further for regional brokers and reflections on our Club 110 conference

110 Extra June 2024 Edition

Watch our webinars and videos for Club 110

Keep an eye out for more videos and webinars in the future.

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Transcript  for video Who are Aviva Private Clients?

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Transcript  for video Underwriting High Net Worth Risks

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Transcript  for video Learn about Smart Home and APC Online

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Your Club 110 benefits

We have a wide variety of member benefits, from compliance support, marketing consultancy and online learning. So, whether you’re new to the club or have been working with us for a while, we’re confident you’ll find benefits that can bring value to your business.

For more information about any of these benefits and services, and any associated costs, or to arrange a discussion about which could be right for your business, please contact

Growing your business

Digital aptitude

Hard-to-place risks

Marketing support

Social prospecting

Your benefit

Find out how digitally adept your business is with our benchmarking tool.

The details

An evaluation of your website and digital marketing. Your performance is benchmarked against other Club 110 brokers on a range of metrics from content to speed, design and SEO (search engine optimisation). Clear explanations and recommended improvements are suggested. Then we can re-run the report once you’ve made changes to see how your performance has improved.

Your benefit

Access to Lloyd’s and the London Market through Miles Smith (part of Specialist Risk Group). 

The details

If you’re struggling to place risks in specialist and high-risk industries, our London Market placement solution, Facility 110, is available for clients who fall outside our underwriting strategy. It’s free to access and, as a 110 broker, you can benefit from enhanced commission rates.

Your benefit

Maximise your business potential with our extensive suite of support.

The details

If you’re unsure where to start or want to make your current marketing efforts work harder for you, our marketing services can help drive your business ambitions. From consultative one-to-ones through to digital tools and professional marketing resources, you get practical, cost-effective sales and marketing support that could make an impact.

Your benefit

A data solution from FullCircl to help uncover opportunities, increase client retention and assist with regulatory compliance. 

The details

Using AI technology and data science, FullCircl can help you with client and prospect research, while building strong, long-term relationships that could drive growth and revenue. You have access to a free month’s trial so you can explore what the service can do for you.

Protecting your business

Compliance support

Professional Indemnity

Reputation protection

Your benefit

A compliance health check and support package options from experts, UKGI Group.

The details

With ever-increasing regulatory pressures, partnering with a compliance specialist is a way to save time and help to safeguard your professional standards. UKGI offer a compliance health check that can help you identify risks or issues and provide recommendations to meet the needs of the regulator. They also offer ongoing support packages to our club brokers at a special rate.

Your benefit

Your dedicated broker PI scheme underwritten by Arch UK Ltd. 

The details

It’s been a tricky few years for accessing Broker Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance, and the pandemic highlighted the value of having a quality PI partner. Over 40% of Club 110 choose the dedicated Griffiths & Armour scheme, which is underwritten by Arch UK Ltd.

Your benefit

Online reputation monitoring, management and protection from RiskEye.

The details

What people say about your business online could cause harm or reputational damage. RiskEye provides a monitoring and mitigation service to help protect your business, and uses legal expertise to aid the removal of any harmful content when possible.

Want more information on these benefits and services?

Your people


Employee benefits and rewards

Employee pensions

Future Leader Programme

Your benefit

Find out how you can hire an apprentice broker – backed by Aviva.

The details

A great way to grow new talent for your business, this programme is designed for aspiring brokers who want to gain a Level 3 Insurance Practitioner Standard supported by the Chartered Insurance Institute Qualifications. We work together with Davies Learning Solutions and could provide you with funding help* and recruitment support.

*In England only. Please contact us for support in Scotland, Wales and NI. 

Your benefit

An employee benefits scheme from Perks at Work that offers great savings with 1000s of retailers.

The details

With thousands of local and national deals and discounts on travel, utilities, entertainment, retail and more, Perks at Work is a fully-funded corporate benefits scheme that all your staff can enjoy. There’s also an area dedicated to wellbeing that could benefit your team’s overall health and fitness too.

Your benefit

Find out more about our terms and personalised support when transferring in your existing pension arrangements.

The details

Our pension scheme for your employees can include both retirement and investment options. With our terms and personalised support, you could make cost savings by transferring in your existing pension arrangements.

Your benefit

Our two-year programme for senior leaders that want to run their business better.

The details

Whether you’re an existing business owner wanting to maximise your brokerage's opportunities, or a soon-to-be business owner/director, the programme delivers you the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to run a successful insurance broking business.

HR support

Learning and development

Recruitment support

Wellbeing support

Your benefit

Take advantage of an HR health appraisal and seek support from Insurance HR Solutions.

The details

You can access a free HR consultation from IHRS - part of the UKGI Group - who’ll help assess your current HR practices and provide a report (covering several key areas) that gives a more in-depth review to identify any weaknesses or areas of concern. They can also support you with one-off projects and ongoing HR activity on a basis that suits you.

Your benefit

Technical training and complimentary access to our online learning platform and in-person programmes to suit everyone in your business.

The details

We can support you and your people at every stage of their learning and development – from when they're just starting out in the industry to running the business, and lots in between. Club 110 brokers also benefit from unlimited access to the Aviva Development Zone, our online learning platform with over 500 training modules relevant to working in a brokerage.

Your benefit

Check out our recruitment resources and support to help attract the right staff for your business.

The details

We've pulled together lots of useful information to help you approach every stage of the recruitment process - from developing your knowledge of the local market and making sure you're ready to hire - to selecting and onboarding your candidate. We can also put you in touch with our recruitment team if you need some one-to-one help with your recruitment efforts.

Your benefit

Access our wellbeing information and a range of support including Mental Health First Aider training.

The details

With guides and webinars covering topics from employee burnout to menopause and neurodiversity, our wellbeing hub could help you and your team with workplace mental health and wellbeing. As a Club 110 broker you can also access a range of support such as free Mental Health First Aider training from MHIB (Mental Health in Business).

Connect with us to see what's right for your business.

Business support

Annual Members’ Conference

Premium finance

Your benefit

Connect with fellow business owners and key Aviva contacts in between our informative business sessions.

The details

Generally held over three days and focussed on business owners, the conference offers a broad range of business sessions – all aimed at looking at how we can mean more to each other now, and in the future. It also provides plenty of time for members to network with each other and Aviva leaders.

Your benefit

Access premium finance through PremFina.

The details

You can access our club premium finance arrangement through PremFina. With discounted rates and designated customer and broker portals, it gives you options for clients who’d like to spread the cost of their premiums - helping to make insurance more accessible, affordable and flexible.

Profit monitoring

Strategic consultancy


Your benefit

Explore Timebox from Alphatec – software that could help you to drive improvements to profitability and staff efficiency.

The details

This system helps you monitor what your staff are spending their time on and delivers clear and concise reports, enabling you to analyse where you could improve efficiency and make cost savings with better account management.

Your benefit

Consultancy from Baker Street that gives you advice and guidance on your business plans.

The details

If you’re looking for confidential support on key issues such as business planning, growth and effective placement, you can access consultancy from Baker Street that can help develop strategies to successfully manage your brokerage now, and in the future.

Your benefit

Our Sustainable Business Coach tool lets you assess the impact your business has on the environment and wider society.

The details

Having a robust Economic, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) plan could help you win business, attract new staff and offer PR opportunities, and this tool enables you to set targets and measure progress in achieving your sustainability goals.

Have any questions about Club 110 benefits?

Digital Trading webinars

Catch up on our Club 110 Digital Trading webinars to learn more about our digital capability and what you can place online. Each session lasts about 60 minutes.

Accident & Health / Management Liability

Download slides

Watch on demand

Plant & Equipment / Computer

Download slides

Watch on demand

Our Club 110 Propositions Team

For more information about any of these benefits and services, or to arrange a discussion about which could be right for your business, please contact our Club 110 propositions team or get in touch at

Stuart Millar

Broker Proposition Manager

Gillian Brennan

Broker Proposition Manager

Clare Denzey

Broker Proposition Manager

John Nutter

Broker Learning & Development Manager

Get connected

Connect with Club 110 on LinkedIn

Looking for insight and connections with like-minded brokers or time with your key Aviva stakeholders and senior management? With Regional Club 110 broker forums, the annual club conference, Club 110 Advisory Council and online networking via LinkedIn, there's a network waiting to connect with you.        

Want to get in touch?

For more information about any of these benefits and services, or to arrange a discussion about which could be right for your business, get in touch.