Changes to our digital Commercial Combined product

We want to make you aware of some of the upcoming changes to our Commercial Combined (CCI) product.

Trade rule referrals

Quotes for Precision Engineer and Precision Metalwork trades will no longer automatically refer when a £2m limit of indemnity (LOI) is requested for Public and / or Products Liability. Requests for £5m or £10m LOI will still refer.

We’ll also be adding two endorsements on these trades:

  1. Products Hazardous Items Exception (new endorsement code - E18)
  2. Excluding Design (new endorsement code – E19)

Forever Chemicals - PFAS*

We’ll begin to auto-apply a Public & Products Liability cover exception to CCI trades where the potential for exposure to PFAS is deemed to be high.

You'll see the endorsement displayed in the policy schedule where it applies. It will also be flagged in the Notice to Policyholder issued with renewals if applicable.

Policy number prefix

Lastly, we’ve recently moved our CCI product onto a new platform. This means that the policy number prefix that was previously ‘MWP’ will now be ‘CB1’ for all new business, for existing business and renewals your policy number will remain the same.

All the above changes will come into effect 16 September 2024

For further information, please contact your Aviva Broker Development Manager.

*Perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances or any other organic compound, molecule, salt, free radical or ion