Fast Trade renewal process - auto accept functionality has now been removed
To ensure we’re delivering clearer contract certainty, and doing what’s right for our customers, the auto-accept functionality has now been removed from Fast Trade. Policies will no longer automatically renew, which means you will need to take action on each policy to confirm renewal prior to the expiry date in order to ensure that cover continues.
Protecting your customers
Confirmation of renewal terms has never been more important than in the current environment where customers’ circumstances and needs may well have changed. We’re introducing this because it’s the right thing to do for the customer. It’s vital that we ensure they have the right level of cover in place to help them protect their livelihood.
The Fast Trade renewal process couldn’t be simpler. All you need to do is ‘View’ each case, check the details of the policy with your customer, make any amendments needed, and then depending on your customer’s instructions select either ‘Accept’ or ‘Lapse Policy’.
What products are affected by this change?
This change affects the following products placed via Fast Trade:
- all Commercial Lines products, including Minifleet
- all Speciality Lines products
- all Personal Lines products, excluding Household*
*Household policies placed via Fast Trade are not affected as renewals are not available and must be rekeyed as new business.
How are Aviva helping to highlight cases?
To help you manage this change we’ve made a number of enhancements to our renewal journey that will highlight cases that are imminent, including:
- Renewals bulletin - we’ve added messaging to our weekly bulletin to remind you that all renewals must be actioned by their expiry date. And we’ve split your upcoming renewals into two tables to specifically highlight those that are due within the next 7 days, where no action has yet taken place.
- Fast Trade homepage - this has been redesigned and now includes a dashboard providing a clear overview of what’s due when. Renewals are sorted by date category. And we’ve included a ‘tab’ for recently renewed, as well as cases that have passed their expiry date, and therefore lapsed, within the last 14-day period.
- Renewal record - we’ve introduced a ‘pop-up box’ when you view a renewal that’s due in the next 14-day period where no action has yet been taken. This will remind you that policy is near to expiry and requires you to take action.
These changes have been made to make the process as easy as possible, providing you with an efficient and robust process for the management of your Fast Trade renewals.
Let us know what you think
As always, we welcome your thoughts on Fast Trade. If you’d like to leave us some feedback or any other comments you may have select ‘Feedback’ within the ‘Options’ menu in Fast Trade and tell us what you think.
If you have any questions specific to this change, your usual Aviva contacts will be happy to assist.
Log in to Fast Trade to review your renewals.