Get your marketing off to a good start
Simply put, your marketing will be more effective if it’s part of a plan. Without cost-effective marketing, it can be difficult to grow your business.
The trick to developing your marketing strategy is to:
- Review what you’re already doing
- See what’s working and what isn’t
- Improve on what’s working
- Try something new, that you believe should or could be very cost-effective
But whatever you do, at first, keep it simple.
Do some valuable analysis
- Do a SWOT analysis on your business to identify areas of strength and opportunity.
- Sit down with your team and discuss what’s happening in the market. How should you be reacting? What's your competition doing and why?
- Talk to your existing customers. Find out what they like about your service and what they would change.
- Talk to previous customers, if possible, to understand why they no longer use you.
Specify your target audience
- Understand exactly who your most profitable customers are. Your strategy should be to find more customers like them.
- Agree which are the most important customer segments to your business (e.g. local, SME, HNW clients). Talk through where the opportunities are.
- Think about the media they use, trust and respond to (e.g. email, social, website content, direct mail).
- Discuss what your competitive advantage is, or could be, for each of your chosen segments.
Agree your goals and objectives
- Agree your marketing objectives/targets for the year.
- How do you plan to evaluate if, how and when they have been achieved?
Implement your plan
- Agree the responsibilities of key people/agencies/third party suppliers
- Agree the budget
- Agree all deadlines/the timing plan
- Agree how you plan to evaluate your strategy
To help get you started, we’ve some useful Broker Mentor resources for you:
- Give your marketing a quick health check
- Start writing your own marketing plan
Looking for additional marketing support?
Drop us an email at
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