Multiple quotes for the same client - no problem

The challenges that we all face right now are unprecedented, which is why we’re committed to providing brokers with tools and support that might help out. We know that continuing to trade through this period is essential - Our Fast Trade service can do exactly that – online trading at your fingertips regardless of location 24/7, 365 days a year.

Our quote and buy facility offers a range of small business and personal lines products, complete with Live Chat functionality. 

During this period of increased uncertainty, you may look to provide client's with more options, or quote based on different scenarios or considerations. So, we’ve enhanced our new business quote functionality to allow brokers to save and access multiple versions of quotes for the same client without overriding the original quote that has been keyed.

This means you can produce a new business quote for a client, save it, select ‘New Quote Version’ to produce a second quote and still be able to access the original, and this can be done as many times as is needed.

  • The option to rename each quote version to help identify the differences and have the option to recall any previous quotes at the click of a button.
  • All quote versions will be available to view at a glance on the Client Summary screen and also on the Quote Summary page.

Log into Fast Trade today and try it out for yourself. 

Five great things about Fast Trade
Full Cycle

From obtaining a quote through to purchase, mid term changes and renewal, all supported with instant documents, Fast Trade allows you to manage your clients policy simply and quickly. 

Live Chat

Direct online access to one of our underwriters or technical support Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm including bank holidays, meaning if you have a query there’s someone there to help.

Premium Flexibility

You can flex the premium on Quotes and Renewals within a defined limit. For our SME products*, this can be done without the need to contact us – all designed to help you win and retain more business.

*currently excludes Van


Quote and buy on average* in less than 6 minutes, with instant documentation.

*Time to quote varies by product


Our enhanced prospecting tool automatically gives you a pre-calculated indicative premium for cancelled policies or quotes you’ve previously done with us, without the need to resubmit information.