New: Health & Wellbeing Risk Management Guide

In our rapidly changing working world and with the added financial pressures we’re currently facing, considering the mental health and wellbeing of yours and your clients’ people has become as important as their physical safety.

Not only is this vital for their individual wellbeing, it’s also integral to a healthy workplace culture. A poor risk management strategy in this area can lead to loss of working hours, business continuity and reputational damage. In fact, our Risk Insight Report 2021 identified mental health issues within the top ten major risks faced by businesses.

To support you and your clients in this area, our risk management experts have produced a new Health and Wellbeing Risk Management Guide, which includes steps on how to carry out an effective health and wellbeing risk assessment with a holistic approach. An occupational health and safety strategy should always incorporate mind health and wellbeing as a core part of the overall risk management approach.

Encouraging an open and honest workplace culture helps individuals to discuss common issues and speak up about their worries, which may be impacting their mental health. Creating assistance or referral programmes, flexible working hours and providing continuous education will help to mitigate pressures for your clients and their people and prevent the risks of long-term sickness.

This will of course differ depending on your client’s business size or sector. In the motor space for example, we know that mental health pressures can negatively impact a driver, particularly at a time when there are many changes happening to the motor risk landscape. In a recent interview with InsureTV, Aviva’s Gill Milner, our Technical Practice Lead, Casualty, spoke about the importance of having a wellbeing strategy in place for a driving workforce. Catch up on the full interview now.

Our new Health & Wellbeing guide also covers the link between lifestyle factors, such as physical exercise and mental health – including some links to additional resources.

Health & Wellbeing Guide

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