The neurodevelopmental pathway

Putting diversity and inclusion at the centre of the workplace

Diagnosis and support for your client's neurodiverse workforce

We recently introduced our expert-led neurodevelopmental pathway, aimed at making the diagnostic and support process for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder),  and Tourette’s syndrome, faster and more accessible for your client's employees and their families.

Through the pathway, members can access the care they need without the usual wait times and discover tools to manage these conditions, giving them the space to be themselves and to feel more supported and motivated at work.

1:1 personalised support

Our third-party provider’s clinicians and case managers offer tailored support and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), both online and face-to-face

Simple and accessible

Members won’t need to complete an assessment or get a GP referral before contacting us

Additional care

If your client has also selected our Mental Health Pathway, their members (aged 12 and over) can transfer to this seamlessly for more support

Product details

Why the neurodevelopmental pathway?

  • With 15-20% of the UK population being neurodivergent1, it’s likely your clients will have people in their teams with neurological conditions and disabilities
  • The first step for members is making a call to our dedicated neurodevelopmental pathway claims helpline where they’ll be referred to our third-party clinical provider
  • After an online screening assessment, employees are either referred to a clinical assessor or signposted to helpful resources. Any members that undergo clinical assessment and receive a diagnosis will then receive tailored support and one-on-one CBT  (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) sessions, alongside a comprehensive report

1. Neurodiversity: the power of thinking differently. ICAEW, March 2023

For employees

  • Access clinical support with a specialist clinician (psychiatrist or paediatrician) by self-referral into pre-assessment screening through our claims team
  • The pathway is available for anyone, including children aged seven years and over
  • Adapted CBT (where appropriate) that’s shaped by the employee's needs, treatment goals, and comfort levels
  • Consultations with a clinical specialist for up to two years to support stabilisation and medication monitoring for ADHD (please note that this aspect of the service can only be accessed if the member has received their ADHD diagnosis through the neurodevelopmental pathway)
  • If permission is given, information will be shared with the employee’s GP 

For clients

  • Creating a diverse and thriving workforce through supporting neurodiverse employees
  • There is some early research that suggests neurodiverse employees are more loyal to companies with support and programmes in place, and may have higher retention rates2
  • Having direct access to diagnosis and support means that employees with a condition may feel they are able to focus more at work, with improved productivity level

2 Why It's Important To Embrace Neurodiversity In The Workplace (And How To Do It Effectively). Forbes, March 2023

Our claims process

Step 1:

The employee will call our dedicated neurodevelopmental claims team, who will refer them to our third party provider.

Step 2:

After completing an online screening assessment with our third party provider, results will be analysed by a case manager. They’ll receive a comprehensive report which will outline the recommendations like adaptations at home, work, and school, if applicable. The report is routinely shared with the member’s GP, with consent. There are then two possible outcomes:

  1.  If a more comprehensive assessment is needed, the employee will be referred to a clinical assessor. This will be either a psychiatrist or a paediatrician if the employee is acting on behalf of a child.
  2. If no further investigation is required, the employee will be signposted to other useful resources. Employees that don’t get a diagnosis on the neurodevelopmental pathway might benefit from our mental health pathway, if your client has selected this.

Step 3:

If the member receives a referral, they will then receive tailored support in line with the recommendations of their assessment, in-person or online. This might include adapted CBT. The therapist will complete reports about progress, which can be shared with the member’s GP

Our neurodiversity hub

Put diversity and inclusion at the centre of organisations. Learn more about neurodiversity from our neurodiversity hub resources.

Visit the hub