This calculator uses key information about your clients' business to recommend the level of Business Interruption cover required, as well as the indemnity period, should they suffer a major loss.
It may help to have the following information to hand:
- Your clients’ latest financial information. For example, if they have a profit/loss statement that will be useful.
- Knowledge of your clients’ current position, such as closing stock/opening stock etc.
You can also refer to our supporting documentation below.
You may need to enable pop-ups to view the calculator.
The content of this application is made available to you, subject to your compliance with the terms of the current agreement you have with Aviva. Further, the outputs provided by the Business Interruption Calculator are provided to you on an as-is basis without any warranties or indemnities. We do not accept responsibility and will not be liable for any inaccuracy or incompleteness of information. You should always satisfy yourself that any action you take or advise others to take meets your or their needs.
By selecting the 'Open Business Interruption Calculator' button, you'll be agreeing to the above.
Please note that the Business Interruption Calculator is provided by the LMI Group, and its use is also subject to their terms and conditions and privacy policy, links to which can be found on the Business Interruption Calculator page.
Supporting documents
To support conversations with your clients, we've developed the following factsheets on some key considerations around selecting the right level of Business Interruption cover for their business.