Improvements to digital Property Owners
One in four brokers ranked faster placement of risks and being able to write more online as key areas of support they want from insurers in 20231.
To match this ambition, we’ve made a number of enhancements to our digital Property Owners product to accommodate larger portfolios and to make it easier for you to quote for risks with multiple premises online.
What’s new?
The below changes are effective from Monday 29 May 2023:
On Fast Trade and Acturis eTrade
Widening appetite for larger portfolios
To help you quote for more business online, particularly for clients with larger property portfolios, we’ve made the following changes:
- Increased the total Sum Insured to £10 million for purpose-built blocks of flats. We also have the capability to write Commercial risks for up to £10 million depending on trade.
- Widened our trade list - this means we’re now quoting for 50 occupant descriptions, an increase of nearly 8%.
To further improve our quote rate, we’ll now refer business for portfolios with more than 10 premises if the Sum Insured limit is exceeded.
On Fast Trade only
Improved premises input screens
- You can quickly add premises to your quote - the screen layout in the new quote journey lets you add address information in an order that suits you, particularly useful if you’re on the phone to a client and adding details as you go.
- Seamlessly review risk information - you’ll now see the key details inputted for each premises on a single page, for up to 20 addresses. This allows you to quickly edit specific information or easily compare information.
- The journey also allows you to add a custom label to each premises to clearly identify which is which.

Tackling rekeying and representing quote details
We know rekeying information from one place to another can be frustrating. For new business quotes, you now have the option to download an extract at the end of the quote journey. Labelled ‘Presentation Playback', it’ll summarise key quote details in a more concise format than you'd expect to see in your Schedule or Statement of Fact.
By coming to Fast Trade first, you can access a quote from Aviva to present to your client, while receiving a ‘risk presentation’ which you can take to get an alternative quote if you choose.
Access to underwriting expertise if a quote doesn’t fit online
Just as you can for your Commercial Combined quotes, you can now quickly refer Fast Trade quotes that don’t quite fit online to our dedicated team of offline underwriters.
At the end of your Fast Trade journey, if the quote can be referred, you’ll have the option to send it into our team of dedicated offline underwriters so they can work collaboratively with you to try and find a solution – whether that’s back online or via our Mid-Market business.
Matching your ambitions
Our focus is to continue to build upon our five-star digital proposition2 and provide products, a platform and capability to help you place and manage more business online.
We hope these changes to Property Owners will make it easier for you to trade digitally for your clients with larger portfolios. With the ability to place up to 20 premises on the digital product, the new Fast Trade experience should make this a seamless process, knowing you’ve got the underwriting support on-hand should the quote need one of our expert underwriters to help find a solution.
Discover what's new on Fast Trade
We've made it easier to quote for business online
1 Statistics from Aviva’s Broker Barometer released February 2023.
2 Aviva rated five stars for Fast Trade and service via software house in the 2023 Insurance Times eTrading Report.