You can count on the Global Corporate & Specialty team to deal with claims efficiently, expertly and, above all, fairly. Our dedicated, tailor-made claims service ensures you and your corporate clients get the right support from the right people, every step of the way.
For clients with premiums over £250k or complex claims requirements, we align a Claims Relationship Lead (CRL) to provide bespoke solutions and a dedicated contact across all claims resources helping the client access the right expertise when they need it. From the outset, the CRL understands the client's requirements and offers pre-checked insights and analysis relevant to the client. Leveraging our market-leading technical expertise, the CRL provides the most helpful pre-loss advice.
Help us to handle your client's claim
Let us know about the claim as soon as possible
Regardless of the nature of the incident, help us to handle your client's claim quickly by notifying us promptly and providing as much key information as you can.
This will help us to assess the claim and route it appropriately, especially if additional internal or external expertise is required.
Where possible, when notifying the claim, please provide us with:
Policy number
Name/address/contact information/VAT status of policyholder
Schedule/policy wording (if broker held)
Date and location of damage/loss
Circumstances - what happened, what has been affected and who is affected?
Third party details (if applicable)
Any special considerations/hazards - e.g. ability to trade affected, property not secure or uninhabitable
Any supporting information - e.g. photos, CCTV, estimates, crime reference numbers (if applicable)
Guidance by claim type
For more guidance on specific information we may need from you and your clients, search for your claim type below. When we're notified of a claim, providing us with specific information (alongside the key information detailed above), may help us to progress the claim more quickly.
Corporate Lines
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible.
It’s important that all incidents are reported to Aviva via, even if the incident doesn’t result in a formal claim.
When reporting a new claim please provide as much information as possible, including:
Injured party details
Description of injuries and/or any known losses (i.e. loss of earnings)
Any background information that the client considers relevant to the liability claim
Details of any camera / video footage available
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. In addition, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Details of the incident including vehicle type, registration number, driver name and incident date
Photos taken at the scene, of all vehicles involved
Full contact details of any third party involved, full name, address and date of birth
Number of passengers in any third-party vehicle
The name and address of the employer if any third party is driving a company vehicle
If the vehicle/s involved are driveable
Any accidents occurring outside of the UK can be reported via phone on 0800 0517 475 or email
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Property investors
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. In addition, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Details of any damage to buildings and/or contents
Will alternative accomodation need to be arranged?
Has any equipment (i.e. lifts and air conditioning) been affected?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Specialty Lines
Accident and health
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Has your client's business been affected by business interruption, staff absence or serious injury caused by accidents?
Were your client's employees overseas for work at the time of the incident?
Was anyone affected by a natural disaster?
Is the affected person in need of rehabilitation?
Have copies of medical certificates been obtained? In addition to the key information, we will require all original medical certificates throughout the entire period of disability.
For benefit for absence from work (Temporary Total Disablement), please provide wage details for the previous 3 months prior to the claim.
In the event of any queries or urgent advice, please find the team's contact details here.
Our Emergency Medical Assistance Service is operated by specialist emergency assistance provider CEGA who will advise on, and where appropriate, arrange all medical treatment, travel and accommodation covered under Medical and Emergency Travel Expenses. Find out more here.
Construction and latent defects
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
What delay is there to the construction project?
Was there any damage to third-party property?
Was anyone injured? Please provide their names if so.
What damage has there been to buildings, contents, plant or equipment?
Has there has been any theft at the site, what has been stolen?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Details of the loss event
Have there been any financial losses as a result of the issue?
Was the damage sudden, accidental or unforeseen?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Marine: cargo, freight and fine art & specie
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible.
If you're making a Fine Art & Specie claim, please provide us with the following information:
Has there been physical loss or damage to goods or cash in transit? What was the location?
If fine art has been affected, where was it at the time of the incident?
If jewellery has been affected, was it a customer's possession or belonging to a retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer?
Were any high-value portable items affected? (i.e. precious metals, gems, securities, cash, cryptocurrency)
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Political Violence and Terrorism
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
What type of conflict has taken place?
Was there any property damage?
Did the incident cause any business interruption? What was the extent of the interruption?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Renewable energy
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
What damage has taken place?
Did the incident cause any business interruption? What was the extent of the interruption?
Was the nature of the incident related to onshore/offshore wind, hydropower, biomass energy, solar photovoltaics, battery energy storage or electric vehicle charge points?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Financial Lines
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Was there any loss of money?
Was it an incident of theft, fraud or dishonesty by a client's employee, third parties or outsourced service providers?
Is your client liable for any of the costs due to the fraudulent use of telecommunication systems or public utilities?
Has your client incurred costs and expenses due to mitigation, investigation or defence of a loss?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
In the case of a cyber incident affecting your client's business, you or the insured should contact Aviva immediately.
Our incident response hotline is available 24/7, 365 days a year. To notify a cyber incident, please call the Cyber claims hotline 0800 051 4473 immediately or alternatively, email
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Is your client’s business suffering a live ransomware attack?
Has the business experienced any form of extortion threat with imminent deadlines?
Is your client suffering any other outage?
The Cyber Incident Response team are available 24/7 365 days a year, to advise our clients on mitigating Cyber incidents. The Claims team will also get in touch with you and/or your client to advise on next steps and any required further information.
Financial Institutions
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Were there any cyber-related incidents?
Has any incident of crime occured?
Were any directors or officers affected?
Were any pension trusts affected?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Legal indemnities
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Has the incident occurred pre or post-planning?
Details of any known title defects found within the property due diligence process
Has the incident resulted in a defect that can't be found, such as rights to light, restrictive covenants or title to property?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Management liability
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
What wrongful act is being alleged and by who?
Was the affected party an individual director or officer? Or was it the company itself?
Has the incident resulted in personal exposure?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Mergers and acquisitions
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Is it the buyer or seller that has suffered a loss?
Did the liability arise from a warranty breach by the seller?
Was the legal interpretation of a tax requirement challenged or overturned?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Professional indemnity
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Was there any financial loss, physical damage or injury to your client as a result of breaching professional duty?
Has the client's business been affected by libel or slander?
Has the client's business experienced an unintentional breach of confidentiality?
Has there been any loss of or damage to documents?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Surety, bonds and guarantees
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following information.
Was the affected party an individual director or officer? Was it the company itself?
Has the incident resulted in personal exposure?
Once a claim has been logged, our claims handler will confirm the claim reference number, the contact number, next steps to take and any additional required documentation back to the client.
Make a claim
You and your clients can notify us of a claim either online or via your claims contact.
You can notify us of the claim by phone, email or online. We'll assess your client's claim and guide you through the next steps to help get them back to normal, as soon as possible.
If it's an emergency, our lines are open 24 hours a day so we're there for when you and your clients need us the most.
Log in or register for Aviva Broker to notify us of a new claim
Log into Aviva Broker and select 'Track Claim'. You can view a snapshot of activity on an outstanding claim for up to the last 90 days and gain real time updates on how the claim is progressing.