Manage your account and payments
Aviva Broker Collections is our on-line account management system. This is updated daily and allows you to manage all of your account and payment activity with Aviva in one place. You can also process Card payments or set up Direct Debit payments on behalf of your customers. This includes Direct Debits where your customers have already consented to a credit check.
Financial Difficulty
How can you support your clients who are in financial difficulty? Here at Aviva, we have a range of solutions to help.
Flexible cover
We can offer your clients the ability to adjust policy limits and cover requirements mid-term to reflect shifts in their exposure and operations to help their insurance premium reflect their business.
Please speak to your usual underwriter about flexible cover solutions.
Payment options
If your client is struggling to pay their premiums, it’s vital to talk to us right away. We can provide flexible payment terms for customers in financial distress and who pay by Direct Debit, as well as offering instalment facilities for customers who pay annually.
Please speak to your usual collections contact about payment options.
Urgent financial need
If your client is experiencing financial difficulty due to a claim, we'll aim to pay the claim as quickly as possible. If it's a large claim, stopgap payments may be paid to help keep your client afloat.
Please speak to your claims handler about stopgap payments.
Supporting your clients in financial difficulty
Your clients can get in touch with the following organisations to talk about debt concerns
Contacts and escalations
Contacts and escalations
Broker statements - speak to your credit controller if you have any queries about your account with us. You can find their contact details on your Statement View page on Aviva Broker Collections.
If you require access to an additional statement site, to manage your client’s payments, please contact the Collections team at brokercollections@aviva.com.
If you need to escalate an issue with your account, please follow our escalation process.
Statement escalation process
Direct Debit - for any queries about a client’s Direct Debit, call our Direct Collections team on 0800 068 5438* or email ddquery@aviva.com
If you need to escalate a Direct Debit issue, please follow our escalation process.
Direct debit escalation process
* Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.