Our in-house team of claims professionals are committed to putting things right without hold-ups or hassle. We’ve got the experience, know-how and understanding to get any simple or complex claim resolved as quickly and sensitively as possible.
Help us to handle your client's claim
Let us know about the claim as soon as possible.
Regardless of the nature of the incident, help us to handle your client's claim quickly by notifying us promptly and providing as much key information as you can.
This will help us to assess the claim and route it appropriately, especially if additional internal or external expertise is required.
Where possible, when notifying the claim, please provide us with:
Policy number
Name/address/contact information/VAT status of policyholder
Schedule/policy wording
Date and location of damage/loss
Circumstances - what happened, what has been affected and who is affected?
Third party details (if applicable)
Any special considerations/hazards - e.g. property not secure or uninhabitable
Any supporting information - e.g. photos, CCTV, estimates, crime reference numbers (if applicable)
Guidance by claim type - Home
For more guidance on specific information we may need from you and your clients, search for your claim type below. When we're notified of a claim, providing us with specific information (alongside the key information detailed above), may help us to progress the claim more quickly.
Accidental Damage or Loss
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please try to provide us with the following details:
What was damaged or lost? Please confirm make, model and age.
Original purchase receipts, or other proof of ownership, and repair/replacement estimates.
Who owns the items being claimed for.
Is the damaged item beyond repair? Has a specialist report been obtained? e.g. for a laptop.
If damage is to a building, what's the extent of damage? How many rooms are affected?
Was the property occupied? If not, when was it last occupied?
Escape of Water
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
What caused the escape of water?
Has the leak been identified and repaired?
What's the extent of damage? How many rooms are affected?
Has the client got estimates for repair costs?
Is the property uninhabitable?
Have any contents been damaged? Please provide details and original purchase receipts, or other proof of ownership, and replacement estimates.
Was the property occupied? If not, when was it last occupied?
Is there a potential recovery e.g. leak from third party property, escape of water from an appliance, or recent works in the vicinity of the leak? Please provide details of any potential liable third party and any evidence such as purchase invoices or invoices for works in the area.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
Did the fire brigade attend? Who called them? When were they called?
Is it known how it started? If so, please provide details. Please ensure that the area is preserved for forensic examination.
How severe is the damage? How many rooms are affected? Is there potentially structural damage e.g. floors or roofs are damaged, walls are unstable? Is the property safe to enter? Is there any potential materials containing asbestos?
Is the property secure?
Is the property uninhabitable?
Is there an alarm and did it activate? Please provide details of the type of alarm, whether it was set, and forward a copy of the alarm activation log, if applicable.
What’s the construction and age of the building? Is it listed?
Has the fire affected the gas, electricity or telecommunications supply?
Have estimates been obtained?
Have any contents been damaged? Please provide details and original purchase receipts, or other proof of ownership, and replacement estimates.
Is there a potential recovery e.g. fire spread from third party property, fire started in an appliance, or there were recent works in the vicinity of the fire? Please provide details of any potential liable third party and any relevant evidence.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
Where did the water originate from and what's the proximity to the risk address e.g. river bursting its banks or an overflowing drain?
Was there advance warning? What preventative actions were taken? E.g. sandbags, moving contents out of reach of the flood water.
How high did water rise inside property? Is it still flooded?
What's the extent of damage? How many rooms are affected? Is there a basement?
Have estimates for repairs been obtained?
Has the flood affected the gas, electricity or telecommunications supply?
Is the property uninhabitable?
Have any contents been damaged? Please provide details and original purchase receipts, or other proof of ownership, and replacement estimates.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with:
When and where the impact happened? What has been damaged?
Please describe the damage and provide photos and estimates for repair. Is the building structurally sound?
Is the property secure?
Was the incident reported to the police? Please provide contact details and a reference number, if applicable.
Malicious damage
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
The damage caused alongside photos and estimates for repair.
Is the property secure?
Have there been previous similar incidents?
Was the property occupied? If not, when was it last occupied?
When was the incident reported to the police, and did they attend? Please provide the Crime Reference Number.
Has the perpetrator(s) been identified? If so, please provide details.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
What damage was noticed and when?
Please provide photos of the damage.
What's the age and construction of the roof?
Have tiles or slates been dislodged? Roughly how many?
Have emergency repairs been carried out? If so, please provide the invoice. Is water getting into the property?
What's the extent of the internal damage? How many rooms are affected?
Are there any repair estimates?
Is the property uninhabitable?
Have any contents been damaged? Please provide details and original purchase receipts, or other proof of ownership, and replacement estimates.
Have there been any previous problems with the roof, or have any repairs/maintenance been carried out recently?
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with:
When was the damage first noticed?
Please describe the damage, where it's located, and provide photographs to enable an initial assessment. If there's a diagram or plan of the building, please highlight the affected area.
Is there vegetation in the vicinity, or have there been problems with underground services? Has any construction work been carried out nearby? If so, please provide details.
Could a neighbour’s tree(s) be implicated in the damage?
Fortunately, evidence of cracking is often not subsidence related. Potential subsidence claims will be investigated by specialist loss adjusters. Please note that there is only cover for subsidence damage to property such as boundary walls and car parks etc. if damage also occurs to the building to which they are associated.
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
Who discovered the loss and when?
How and where was entry gained? Is there evidence of forcible and violent entry into, or exit from, the property? Please provide details and supporting photographs.
When was the incident reported to the police, and did they attend? Please provide the Crime Reference Number.
Was the property occupied? If not, when was it last occupied?
What has been stolen and from where in the premises?
Please list all the items being claimed for and provide original purchase receipts, or other proof of ownership, and replacement estimates.
Is there an alarm and did it activate? Please provide details of the type of alarm, whether it was set, and forward a copy of the alarm activation log, if available.
If the theft occurred away from the premises:
Please provide full circumstances. When was the item last seen?
Was the theft from a vehicle? If yes, was the vehicle unattended? Where in the vehicle was the item? Where was the vehicle when the item was stolen? Was the vehicle securely locked? What damage was sustained to the vehicle? Is there an invoice for vehicle repairs? Please provide photos of the damage.
Underground services
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, please keep the following points in mind:
The pipes and cables which supply water, gas, and electricity to the property should have wastewater removed from them.
Cover is provided for accidental damage to pipes and cables etc. for which the policyholder is legally responsible.
Sewers (drains serving more than one property) and lateral drains (section of the drain falling outside the property boundary) are the responsibility of the water company. If neighbours are also affected, please ask the customer to speak to the water company.
Please contact us urgently so that we can instruct our specialist supplier.
Guidance by claim type - Motor
For more guidance on specific information we may need from you and your clients, search for your motor claim type below. When we're notified of a motor claim, providing us with specific information (alongside the key information detailed above), may help us to progress the claim more quickly.
Bodily injuries
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
Did all / any of the individuals injured receive medical assistance at the scene?
Was anyone taken to hospital?
Were any additional statements or comments relating to the injuries noted by our policy holder?
Collision - abroad or with an overseas vehicle
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
For incidents in the UK involving an overseas registered vehicle:
What was the third party registration and country code? For HGV vehicles, please provide the cab and trailer unit registration.
Were any copies/images of any documentation exchanged at the seen (i.e third party greencard, claim form/constat amiable). If so, please provide these.
For incidents outside of the UK:
Is the client's vehicle mobile/immobile?
What was the reason for the client's travel? Are they still overseas?
If a third party was involved, is there a copy of a claim form/constat amiable/agreed statement of facts?
Collision - Multi-vehicle
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
How many vehicles were involved in the incident?
What were the details of the third-party(ies) involved? I.e. registration number, vehicle make and model, contact information
Was anyone injured in the incident?
If involved in a rear-end shunt with multiple vehicles, how many times was an impact felt?
If property was damaged in the collision, please provide details/images/information regarding the owner if applicable
Collision - Single-vehicle
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
What was damaged in the collision? I.e. tree, lampost, damage to third-party property
What was the extent of the damage?
If applicable, what are the details of the third-party property owner?
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
Where did the fire originate from?
What was the extent of damage done as a result of the fire?
Where was the vehicle when the fire happened?
Where is the vehicle currently located?
Was anything in the surrounding area damaged as a result of the fire?
Were the emergency services notified? If so, please provide reference numbers and details
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
What type of water caused the flooding? i.e. storm, heavy rain, river bank burst, drains
Was the vehicle being driven, stationary or parked and unattended at the time it was damaged?
How high were the water levels outside the vehicle (and if applicable, inside)?
If water entered the vehicle, where in the vehicle did it reach? E.g front footwells, boot, rear footwells?
If the vehicle was abandoned as a result of flooding, were any windows or doors left open?
Malicious damage
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
Does the vehicle require urgent recovery (due to increased risk of theft of injury)?
Any CCTV or footage captured of the incident?
Images of damage caused where possible.
Has anything been stolen from inside the vehicle? If so, please provide item details.
Current vehicle location
Theft (Recovered/ Unrecovered)
When notifying us of your claim, please provide as much of the above key information as possible. Additionally, where available, please provide us with the following details:
What was the last known location of the vehicle? How often is the vehicle left at this location?
Was the vehicle locked and secured when last seen?
Where are key sets for the vehicle normally kept and are any sets missing?
Has the theft been reported to the police? If so, please provide crime reference numbers
Is there any CCTV/security footage in the area where the vehicle was left?
Is there any tracking information available to help identify the whereabouts of the vehicle?
Has the vehicle now been recovered since the theft?
If your claim involves damage to glass only, your client can book their repair or replacement with our provider:
Autoglass - 0800 056 2584
All they need to provide is their vehicle registration number.
Make a claim
You can notify us of the claim by phone, email, or via your claims contact. We'll assess your client's claim and guide you through the next steps to help get them back to normal, as soon as possible.
If it's an emergency, our lines are open 24 hours a day so we're there for when you and your clients need us the most.
Find your claims contact
Your contact will be there to guide you and your client through the claims process