We've refreshed our Accident and Health proposition

Following the successful refresh of our Cyber and Management Liability products last year, we’re pleased to let you know that we’ve also updated our Accident & Health (A&H) proposition.

We’re committed to improving and building upon our regional capability and this refresh is the next step in our continued investment.

What's changing?

Some key highlights include:

  • Harmonised products across on and offline so our digital offering now benefits from the same increased limits and wider cover
  • Increased limits on a number of covers, with some also moving from an aggregate to AOC (Any One Claim) basis
  • Additional features such as Event Ticket Cancellation and Quarantine and Hospital expenses
  • Simplified wordings making it clearer what is and isn’t covered

As part of the refresh, we’ve introduced a new service for Business Travel customers – a Travel Assistance App powered by Solace Global. We wrote to you about this earlier in the year but as a reminder, this App is designed to help take care of problems customers may face while travelling abroad for work.

Take a look at this summary overview or watch this short video for more information on it’s benefits and features.

To support the launch of our updated proposition, we’ve produced some material which you might find useful. Find more information on our Accident & Health Playbook and our Proposition Overview below. 

We hope you find this material helpful when having conversations with your clients. For more product details you can visit our product page or for a quote you can go straight to Fast Trade.


Accident & Health Playbook

Looks at the trends in the market, gives details of cover and appetite and some claims scenarios for both the GPA and Business Travel aspects of the product. Also includes responses to common misconceptions you may hear around A&H cover and why it’s beneficial.

Find out more

Proposition Overview

Provides a summary of our proposition at a glance.

Find out more

Accident & Health Playbook <https://at.aviva.uk/3AIptH4