Legal Indemnity

Introducing Legal Indemnity

Legal Indemnity is a single premium insurance which can help to protect buyers, mortgage lenders and future property owners from legal disputes concerning the ownership, occupation and use of land and buildings.

Why do clients need Legal Indemnity cover?

  • The purpose of Legal Indemnity cover is to help offer protection against a number of issues around buying, developing, selling, leasing or owning property.  
  • Anyone who operates a business in the real estate industry may want to take out Legal Indemnity cover such as property owners, landowners and property developers. 
  • Issues can arise at any point during a property development or transaction, with some potentially taking months to investigate or resolve. Having the cover in place could help to protect against these issues delaying a sale, purchase or project.

Why choose Aviva's Legal Indemnity cover?

We can offer a wide range of Legal Indemnity cover:
  • Block policies - we can combine standalone covers into block policies, whilst our pricing models and underwriting criteria will allow us to adjust policies for individual properties within each block
  • Pre and post-planning - covers title defects discovered during the property due diligence process, helping to protect occupiers, developers, owners and lenders
  • Estate distribution - covers legal risks in estate distribution, such as missing beneficiaries, absent wills and unknown dependants 

Get a quote

To get a quote, please contact our Legal Indemnity team.


Our dedicated claims service is there whenever your client needs us – they can call our 24/7 claims line or email us anytime. 

Your client will be allocated a claims handler, who will support them throughout the entire process, but they’ll also have access to our panel of solicitors working in litigation and claims investigation.

Our defence excellence team will be on hand to help protect your clients against fraudulent claims and also give advice on best practice procedures and legislation that can help companies enhance their risk management strategies.

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