Making cyber security simple with CyberSmart

To coincide with the launch of our new, improved cyber product we want to introduce you to some of our Specialist Partners who we’re working with to help our SME and mid-market clients to protect themselves from cyber threats. 

This month we’re shining the spotlight on our cyber security partner CyberSmart who offer a simple step-by-step journey to improving cybersecurity. We asked Jamie Akhtar, CEO, to share some insights into how they can help combat cyber risks.

“Cyber-attacks are on the rise across society. However, despite perceptions, this isn’t just a problem for large, high-profile enterprises. Unfortunately, many cybersecurity tools are built for enterprises with big budgets and in-house expertise. So, for SMEs without these resources, getting cyber secure can feel expensive, confusing and out-of-reach. But, with CyberSmart, no cyber expertise is required. 

Combining people, processes, and technology our tool ensures any employee, contractor or affiliate accessing a business’s data and systems is safe – even if they’re using their own device.

Our subscription service is a quick and cost-effective way for a business to achieve the Government’s Cyber Essentials (CE) certification, a process that can help to mitigate against cyber attacks. Furthermore, Aviva customers that achieve CE certification benefit from discounted cyber insurance premiums and those that install the CyberSmart platform – with 24/7 monitoring – benefit from zero policy excess.

Since Aviva launched its new cyber insurance policy in August, we have been working together to help brokers engage with their clients as well as stay secure themselves, by providing free access to our award-winning[ii] platform. I have participated in podcasts and webinars with Aviva to help raise awareness amongst the broker community and give them confidence in talking about cybersecurity to clients, without the need to become cyber experts themselves.

To increase awareness and engagement with their clients, brokers have been provided with a special dashboard to view their client’s cyber security status (i.e. number of CyberSmart apps installed and Government Cyber Essentials certification status). Feedback has suggested this is useful in triggering conversations with customers about the need for adequate cyber cover.

In summary, we know that few small business owners have a good understanding of cyber but this is also a relatively new area for brokers. The challenge is to be able to engage with customers without confusing them. And in CyberSmart, which dedicates itself to making cybersecurity simple, Aviva has found a good partner.”

To find out more about our new cyber product or to get a quote, speak to your local sales or underwriting contact.
