Why do clients need Marine Cargo cover?
Contrary to its name, Marine Cargo insurance actually covers goods being transported by several different methods. Its original purpose was to provide cover for journeys by sea, but in today's market it includes air travel, road and rail.
- Marine Cargo cover can help to provide protection for your client’s goods whilst in transit.
- Although many carriers have their own freight insurance, this will generally only pay out a sum based on the weight of goods – 100kg of gold will be subjected to the same value as 100kg of paper - Cargo cover is based on the value of the goods.
- Cargo cover can insure against loss, theft or damage of goods whilst in transit - these incidents may be beyond your client’s control, but with insurance they can help to minimise the impact on their company.
- One cargo insurance policy will cover multiple transportation methods – if goods are travelling by lorry, then shipping container overseas and then to another lorry, every part of the journey could be covered.
Why choose Aviva's Marine Cargo cover?
What's covered as standard?
Late penalty / demurrage - cover to help with a late penalty and / or demurrage charge for holding a container, trailer or rail car beyond the originally agreed date
Further loss, damage or delay - cover where loss, damage or delay has, in turn, caused further loss or damage
Customs cover - for damage caused to goods by the legal actions of a Customs inspector or other authorised government agency during an inspection
Non-delivery - 30-day non-delivery payout, if goods remain unlocated and all reasonable steps have been taken to find them
- Repacking costs - if goods have been lost or damaged in a manner covered by the policy
What optional covers are available?
Storage cover - for up to ten separate warehouse or storage locations
- Extended worldwide cover - where the goods will never be on UK soil, except for excluded territories
Please see policy document for details of all exclusions and limitations.
Did you know?
Policyholders can also access a range of legal help and advice through our Aviva Business Law website, powered by Farillio. Your clients can get access to business and legal guides, along with help for everything from branding to tax planning.
Get a quote
You can get a quote for Marine Cargo and buy online through Fast Trade.
Alternatively, for those clients who don't meet Fast Trade eligibility or have more complex needs, please contact your local trading office.
Our dedicated claims service is there whenever your client needs us – they can call our claims line 9am to 5pm or email us anytime.
Your client will be allocated a claims handler, who will support them throughout the entire process, but they’ll also have access to our panel of solicitors working in litigation and claims investigation.
Our defence excellence team will be on hand to help protect your clients against fraudulent claims and also give advice on best practice procedures and legislation that can help companies enhance their risk management strategies.
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