Direct Debit Guide

How to set up a new direct debit for pension portfolios on Aviva Platform.

Step 1 of 6

Is there an active bank account on file?

To add a direct debit, you first need to have a bank account on file that's active.

If the bank account isn't active:

  1. Click Client Details from the review menu on right hand side of the page then select the Banking Details tab
  2. Pick edit
  3. Change the status of the bank details to active

If you need to add a bank account:

  1. Click Client Details – Banking details
  2. Pick edit and click add
  3. Fill in the new account details
  4. Click save

You will need to make sure the direct debit Instruction box is ticked so the bank account details can be used for direct debits.

Please note: These can take up to 24 hours to authorise automatically, or five working days if manual intervention is required.

Please note: The second line of the address needs to be filled in for every account.

Step 2 of 6

Add regular contributions

Once you have a bank account on file that's active:

  1. Find the correct sub-account for the customer
  2. Select Contributions from the menu
  3. Click Edit/Add Regular Contributions
  4. You can also add a customer single payment on this page instead of regular contributions if required
Step 3 of 6

Add the direct debit details

Once on the Edit/Add Regular Contributions screen:

  1. Choose if this is for a Client regular payment or an Employer regular payment
  2. Add the details of the direct debit including regular payment, frequency of payments and first collection date
  3. Complete the following fields using the dropdown options available:
  • Employer status
  • Origin of funds for this investment
  • Current income before tax
  • Select bank account
  • Collection source

Please note: You can't use the same bank account for both an employer and employee direct debit.

Step 4 of 6

Fill in the Regular payment initial advice charge details

If a initial advice charge needs to be applied at this stage, fill in the details.

If a initial advice charge doesn’t need to be applied, you can leave this blank.

Then click Continue.

Please note: The initial advice charge isn’t paid when the direct debit is collected. It’s paid on the same date as the clients other charges.

Step 5 of 6

Pick investments

You will now need to decide if and how you want the direct debit to be invested.

If you want the direct debit to stay in cash, you can skip this step and go straight to Continue.

Pick new investments

  1. Search for the model portfolios, funds or exchange-traded assets using Quick Add or using Detailed Search and the model or fund name or SEDOL/ISIN codes
  2. When you find an investment you want to add to the direct debit application, click Add
  3. You will need to input the % or £ value you want to invest into each fund. If this isn’t done the  direct debit will stay in cash
  4. Once you’ve ticked all the investments you want, click continue

Keep existing investments

  1. Select Use Existing Assets if you want to mirror the investments the customer is already invested in
  2. You will need to input the % or £ value you want to invest into each fund. If this isn’t done the  direct debit will stay in cash
  3. Click continue
Step 6 of 6

Confirm the direct debit details

On the Review and Confirm page:

  1. Check all the details are correct
  2. Complete the Client Declaration at the bottom of the page
  3. Click Confirm to complete the direct debit application