Areas to explore
Information about our funds options, including how they're managed and invested. You'll also find expert industry commentary and information about our Discretionary Investment Managers.

Fund factsheets and charting
Access daily fund prices and performance across thousands of funds from our life, pension and collective fund ranges.
Use this tool to compare and chart a fund's performance. You can search for fund information by fund category or by product. Each fund price is correct as at close of business the previous working day.

Smooth Managed Fund
The Smooth Managed Fund is designed to deliver growth over the medium to long term, employing a ‘smoothing’ process to shelter your clients from some of the impact of adverse market movements.
ESG investing
Find key information on how responsible investing takes into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and more about our Stewardship Funds.

Aviva Investors Multi-asset fund ranges – Core and Plus
In our view, investments should drive change. We offer multi-asset solutions that invest globally across a range of assets classes. Our aim is to grow our clients' investments over time – and do so in a responsible way.

Discretionary Investment Managers
Read key information about the Discretionary Investment Managers (DIMs) currently available on the Aviva Platform.

AIQ: Investment Thinking
Brought to you by Aviva Investors, AIQ offers a hub of in-depth analysis and commentary on key themes impacting global investment markets.

With-Profits Fund existing business
Find information relating to our range of With-Profits Sub-Funds.

Ex-Friends Life Funds
Find service information related to Ex-Friends Life Funds. Including how to find details of your clients’ funds.

Investment Pathways
Four simple investment options, to help you and your clients make the right choices for their retirement. Each Pathway caters for different retirement plans and invests clients' money in corresponding funds, with varying levels of volatility. You can switch between pathways if your clients’ future plans change.

ESG Disclaimer and Glossary
MSCI ESG ratings and glossary