What is Group Critical Illness?
Critical Illness cover gives financial help via a tax-free lump sum payment plus a wealth of support when an insured member is diagnosed with a critical illness, or needs a serious operation covered by the policy. The payment can be used as needed, for anything from covering the mortgage to adapting the home.
Ongoing cancer cover
We'll support your client's employees if it's their second or subsequent diagnosis of cancer, as defined under the policy
Children covered as standard
We provide cover for a range of conditions including nine child-specific conditions as standard, up to a maximum benefit of £25,000
Wellbeing services
Employees get access to a range of wellbeing services to help them make informed, balanced and positive lifestyle choices
How it works
The policy pays a lump sum if a member is diagnosed with a critical illness, or undergoes an operation covered by the policy, and survives for at least 14 days from diagnosis or the date of the operation.
The conditions and operations covered by the policy depend on whether your client has chosen standard or extended cover. We don’t cover pre-existing conditions, related pre-existing conditions, associated conditions or self-inflicted injury.
There’s no need to medically underwrite each employee - saving your clients time and effort in setting up their scheme. But scheme-level factors such as age, claims experience and scheme size may affect pricing.
Why Aviva Group Critical Illness?
In 2023, we paid more than £41 million in Group Critical Illness claims. Our expert team aim to pay claims quickly so we’re there when it really counts.
Children are included as standard up to a maximum benefit of £25,000 and we offer wellbeing services, designed to provide more than just financial support to your clients and their employees.

Product details
Features and benefits
Standard and extended cover
Optional extras
Child cover
Wellbeing services
Making a claim
We’ve got your SME clients covered with Aviva Group Protection
All our policies provide support for businesses of any size, no matter how big or small. For SME’s, we understand the unique challenges they face, and can show you how the right cover could support your clients, and their employees.

Our Critical Illness cover brought to life
Explore our customer stories and see what people have to say about how critical illness cover has supported them.
Transcript for video Emma's story
I went for the results, and the consultant’s first words when I sat down in the office were, “I’m really sorry. It’s not good news.”
I'm Emma, I'm a children's nurse. I’m currently working in education. I have grown-up children 23 and 25, and I'm currently undergoing treatments for lobular breast cancer. I had some lumps in my breast. I had an operation to remove what they thought was three fibroadenomas. They'd removed the fibroadenomas, but they'd found invasive lobular carcinoma.
That was a big shock because I really wasn't expecting that. My second operation was planned. It was quite an extensive operation, but unfortunately, when I got the results of that one, they'd found five different tumours, quite a lot more cancer than they had expected. They'd also found that it was in my sentinel lymph nodes. I had to have a mastectomy and they checked some more lymph nodes, again, not expecting them to be positive, but there were a couple that were positive.
I started chemo, and then I'll still need some radiotherapy and I’ll need some hormone therapy, probably more long-term. This was all quite a lot because originally, I was told I'd need about eight weeks off work. I looked at my critical illness insurance. Your head is in a spin with everything going on, but that was the one thing that looked positive.
There's not very many positives about being diagnosed with breast cancer, and there's so many worries that you have, but actually, this was something that I could do actively. The claim process was really easy. When the claim was paid, it was a lot of relief. I was very lucky, and I get good sick benefit, I get six months full pay, six months half pay, but I realized that I would probably be going to half pay.
Chronic illnesses take a long time. You need the cover, to cover you while you're ill.
Critical Illness cover is available through Aviva Group Protection and Aviva Individual Protection.
Aviva Group Critical Illness provides financial cover if an insured employee is diagnosed with a critical illness or undergoes an operation covered by the policy. Our cancer definition covers instances of cancer, excluding less advanced cancers. The policy also includes cover for second and subsequent cancer as standard. An employer also has the option to include access to a cancer drugs fund as part of the policy. Your financial adviser or employer can provide more information on how the cover works, the definitions and when it would pay out.
Fast and efficient quotes for smaller schemes
Join lots of advisers and get Group Protection quotes in around 20 minutes for schemes between 3-250 lives via our self-serve online platform, Aviva Group Protection Online (AGPOL).
Use the same data to quote for all three of our products and put clients on risk the next day. Plus, we offer three year rate guarantees for schemes over 100 lives.
AGPOL now allows you to self-serve policy renewals online within 30 minutes. Giving advisers a straightforward, end-end renewal journey.
Please be aware that our technical guides and policy wording documents differ for AGPOL and can be found on our AGPOL page or in the Document Library. You'll also be provided with the relevant guides when you run your online quote.
How to apply
Email our team on
or speak to your Aviva account manager.
If you're applying for a business with 3-250 lives you can use our online system,
If your query relates to an existing policy please call
0800 051 3472
For our joint protection, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored and will be saved for a minimum of five years. Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free.
Key documents
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