Inspecie Transfer In Guide – Crystallised Accounts

1. Access the customer's Portfolio

  1. Enter the customer's account reference and search
  2. On the summary page, select New product application from Actions area on the right hand side of the page. This is where the new post-retirement account and expectation needs to be submitted

2. Enter Client details

  1. Select Pension Portfolio
  2. Confirm retirement age, annuity purchase age and marital status, then select Continue

3. Enter Transfer In details on the Contributions and advice charges screen

  1. Confirm the customer has had financial advice. Select 'Yes' to continue
  2. Confirm if the customer is subject to reduced money purchase allowance (MPAA). If Yes, then complete sections that follow from the dropdown options: Date that their MPPA was reduced and Reason Why
  3. Enter your ongoing advice charge
  4. Select Transfer in another pension
  5. Fill in the details of customer's source of wealth
    1. Employment status, occupation & employer/company name
    2. Current income before tax
  6. Fill in the details of the transfer in
    1. Ceding scheme (click Or manually add scheme if the scheme isn't suggested after typing the first few characters and fill in scheme details)
    2. Ceding type
    3. Account/plan number
    4. Select whether it's an inherited fund transfer. If yes, select the correct Inherited fund type from the dropdown and email details of the deceased: full name, date of birth, address & National Insurance number
    5. Select Drawdown type of the transfer from the drop down as Crystallised
    6. Choose whether regular income is required following transfer completion

4. Is this a transfer of cash or re-registration of assets?

Re-registration of assets

  1. Select re-register assets
  2. Select if this is a full or partial transfer
  3. Input how much cash is being transferred


If you wish to select a cash transfer follow the Post-Retirement (Crystallised) Cash Transfer In Guide.

5. Select which assets are being transferred

Using Quick Add or Detailed Search, enter the model or fund name or SEDOL/ISIN code

  • If using Quick Add:
  1. Results matching the asset name or code will automatically appear in a drop-down list
  2. When you find the investment you want to add to the transfer application, click the fund name in the drop-down and then Add
  • If using Detailed Search:
  1. Click Search to right of where the fund name or code was entered
  2. You can also filter the results using the fund manager, sector, or fund type drop-down list options
  3. When you find the investment you want to add to the transfer application, click the tick box next to the name
  4. If multiple transfers are needed, click Add another transfer and repeat the above for each

If manual paperwork is required

  1. Send the ceding scheme paperwork and any other documents to the receiving scheme
  2. Upload everything sent to the client
  3. We will complete the receiving scheme warranty and send it to the receiving scheme

Once submitted please allow sufficient time for the funds to re-register. Once picked up by the inspecie team the transfer will take 6-8 weeks.

How to view the progress of the transfer

Method 1

  1. Click My Services in the top navigation of the Platform
  2. Click Platform Services
  3. Click Transfer tracker
  4. Select any relevant filter options: adviser, transfer type, status
  5. Click Search
  6. Locate the transfer
  7. Click the down arrow to view the latest note

Method 2

  1. Search for and access the customer's Portfolio Summary the transfer is on behalf of
  2. Access the relevant product that has the transfer
  3. Click Pending Transactions tab
  4. Locate the transfer under Pending transfers
  5. Click Transfer Tracker link
  6. Click the down arrow to view the latest note