ISA and Investment Portfolio Cash Transfer In Guide

1. Access the customer's ISA/Investment Portfolio

  1. Enter the customer's account reference and search
  2. On the summary page, access the customer's ISA/Investment portfolio account
  3. Select One-Off Payment/Transfer from Actions area on the right hand side of the page. This is where the expectation needs to be submitted

2. Enter Transfer In details on the Contributions and advice charges screen


  1. Confirm the customer has had financial advice. Select 'Yes' to continue
  2. Select Transfer in ISA
  3. Fill in the details of customer's source of wealth
    1. Employment status, occupation, and employer/company name
    2. Current income before tax
  4. Fill in the details of the transfer in
    1. Ceding scheme - Click Or manually add scheme if the scheme isn't suggested after typing the first few characters, and fill in scheme details
    2. Account/plan number
    3. Tax years to transfer
    4. If applicable, Net subscription this tax year
    5. Whether ceding ISA is a flexible ISA
    6. If yes, date of first subscription
    7. Type of transfer – Transfer cash
    8. Full or Partial - If partial, please email details of the partial, i.e. exact monetary value (£) to transfer, exact monetary value (£) to leave with ceding scheme or exactly how many segments to transfer.
    9. Current value to be transferred
  5. If multiple transfers are needed, click Add another transfer and repeat steps 3 and 4 for each

Investment Portfolio

  1. Confirm the customer has had financial advice. Select 'Yes' to continue
  2. Select Transfer in Investment Portfolio
  3. Fill in the details of customer's source of wealth
    1. Employment status, occupation, and employer/company name
    2. Current income before tax
  4. Fill in the details of the transfer in
    1. Ceding scheme – Click Or manually add scheme if the scheme isn't suggested after typing the first few characters, and fill in scheme details
    2. Ceding type
    3. Account/plan number
    4. Type of transfer – Transfer cash
    5. Full or Partial - If partial, please email details of the partial, i.e. exact monetary value (£) to transfer, exact monetary value (£) to leave with ceding scheme or exactly how many segments to transfer.
    6. Current value to be transferred
  5. If multiple transfers are needed, click Add another transfer and repeat steps 3 and 4 for each

3. Select relevant transfer advice charges

Enter the agreed advice charge as a percentage (%) or monetary (£) amount in the next section on this page. Then select Continue to proceed to the next page.

If you're adding multiple transfers and choose a percentage amount, this will be taken off each transfer as they are applied following completion.

A monetary amount is taken from the first transfer keyed. Please note the summary will show this as being across the total value of the transfers applied.

4. Pick investments

Now decide how you want transfers to be invested. Pick the relevant option for instructions.

If you want the transfers to stay in cash, you can skip this step and go straight to Continue.

Pick new investments

  1. Change the tab to model portfolios, funds, or exchange-traded assets as required
  2. Using Quick Add or Detailed Search, enter the model or fund name or SEDOL/ISIN code

Quick Add instructions

2.1 Results matching the asset name or code will automatically appear in a drop-down list

2.2 When you find the investment you want to add to the transfer application, click the fund name in the drop-down and then Add

Detailed Search instructions

2.1 Click Search to right of where the fund name or code was entered

2.2 You can optionally filter the results using the fund manager, sector, or fund type drop-down list options

2.3 When you find the investment you want to add to the transfer application, click the tick box next to the name

3 Once all assets have been added continue to next page

4 Enter investment allocation

    4.1 Choose Apply even weighting or select percentage (%) or monetary (£) to choose own split

    4.2 Enter the required allocation to each fund

If the allocation doesn't match 100% of the transfer value, the remaining allocation defaults to cash

5 Once allocation added, click Continue

Keep existing investments

  1. Select Use existing assets if you want to mirror some or all the investments the customer is already invested in
  2. Enter investment allocation
    1. Choose Apply even weighting or select percentage (%) or monetary (£) to choose own split
    2. Enter the required allocation to each fund*
  3. Once allocation added, click Continue

*If the allocation doesn't match 100% of the transfer value, the remaining allocation defaults to cash.

5. Confirm the transfer details on the Review and confirm page

  1. Check all the details are correct
  2. Complete the Client Declaration at the bottom of the page
  3. Once all the above has been completed, click on Submit Application

6. Review further actions required

Read through the scenarios where paperwork might be required and Upload our Non-Origo form if you have one already.

Please note: If you do not have the forms ready to upload, please instead email them to once they have been completed.

How to view the progress of the transfer

Method 1

  1. Click My Services in the top navigation of the Platform
  2. Click Platform Services
  3. Click Transfer tracker
  4. Select any relevant filter options: adviser, transfer type, status
  5. Click Search
  6. Locate the transfer
  7. Click the down arrow to view the latest note

Method 2

  1. Search for and access the customer's Portfolio Summary the transfer is on behalf of
  2. Access the relevant product that has the transfer
  3. Click Pending Transactions tab
  4. Locate the transfer under Pending transfers
  5. Click Transfer Tracker link
  6. Click the down arrow to view the latest note