Take the pension benefit and let the system automatically do the sell down for PCLS

The turnaround time for this is six working days.

1. Select Take Pension Benefits.

2. If you get a window with In Progress Drawdown Application Found, there are two options: Discard and start a new one, which will open up a new application, and Resume in progress application, which will resume the last application you started.

3. On the application, you'll be asked questions about financial advice. You won't be able to carry on without answering them.

4. You'll be able to add pension protection if this applies to your customer. Choose Edit Protection Details, confirm the protection type, then choose Confirm updates.

5. In Drawdown Type, choose Flexi-Access Single to get the crystallisation details. Then fill out the application that opens up.

            5.1 Note: if you're doing full crystallisation, you don't need to enter an amount. If you're doing a partial amount, add the crystallisation amount, not the PCLS amount. So if the customer wants £10,000, you need to put in £40,000 as the crystallisation amount.

6. Then you'll be asked how you want to disinvest the funds for the PCLS. You can choose to sell down pro rata, or choose the assets yourself.

7. The options that are left on the application will pre-populate. But you can add an Initial Advice Charge if you need to.

7.1 Note: if you are adding an Initial Advice Charge, you'll need to sell down the amount beforehand. Then let the system move the money from the pre to post-account, so it can pay out.

8. The next screen is Accumulation Account Asset. You'll need to choose how you want the assets to move into the post-retirement account: pro rata, moving the funds to the account in line with how they sit in the pre-retirement account, or enter your own asset selection.

9. You'll need to answer post-retirement account asset selection. Then click Continue.

10. In Regular Withdrawals, if the customer's after a one-off withdrawal, it should be keyed after the crystallisation is finished. If you want to key a regular withdrawal, add the details to this screen. If not, add a 0 to Gross Income Required per Payment, then choose the bank account and click Continue.

11. On Take Pension Benefits, you'll need to check the details, and complete the customer due diligence declaration and charging declaration.

12. Click Submit.