Single Contribution Guide

How to arrange a single contribution for pension portfolios.

Step 1 of 5

Access the customers Pension Portfolio

  1. Enter the customer's account reference and search
  2. Via the summary page which you land on, access the customers Pension Pre account
  3. Select One-Off Payment/Transfer from Actions area on the right hand side of the page. This is where the expectation needs to be submitted
Step 2 of 5

Enter Contribution details

On the One-Off Payment/Transfer screen:

  1. Confirm the customer has received Financial advice, to continue Yes needs to be selected
  2. Confirm if the customer is subject to reduced money purchase allowance (MPAA) If Yes then complete sections that follow Date that their MPAA was reduced and Reason Why from the dropdown options
  3. Select either Client single payment or Employer single payment
  4. Fill in the details of the payment

    • Single payment (net)

    • Choose Payment method

    • Employment status (if employed enter Employer name and Occupation)

    • Origin of funds for this investment

    • Current income before tax
  5. Choose if you want to make an additional single payment and proceed as above filling in relevant details
Step 3 of 5

Select relevant advice charges

Complete the next section on this page.

Then select Continue to proceed to the next page.

Please note: If you're adding multiple contributions and choose a percentage amount, this will be taken off all the contributions.

However, if you pick a monetary amount, this will only be taken from the first contribution despite the quotes showing it being taken off all the contributions.

Step 4 of 5

Pick investments

You now need to decide how you want the single contribution to be invested.

If you want the contribution to stay in cash, you can skip this step and go straight to Continue

Pick new investments

  1. Search for the model portfolios, funds or exchange-traded assets using Quick Add or using Detailed Search and the model or fund name or SEDOL/ISIN codes
  2. When you find an investment you want to add to the contribution application, click the tick box next to the name
  3. Once you've ticked all the investments you want, click Continue

Keep existing investments

  1. Select Use Existing Assets if you want to mirror the investments the customer is already invested in
  2. Click Continue
Step 5 of 5

Confirm the single contribution details

On the Review and Confirm page:

  1. Check all the details are correct
  2. Complete the Client Declaration at the bottom of the page
  3. Once all of the above has been completed click on Submit Application

We'll then give you the bank account details your customer needs to send us payment. Or, if you've chosen payment by cheque, we'll give you the address that should be posted to.