Aviva new client report - FAQs

Where can I get the new report?

  • Once you are viewing the client you want to run a report for, check out the list of actions down the right hand side of the page and select client report.

Why are you making these changes?

  • We’re constantly reviewing our proposition and always look to make changes where we think there is value for our customers.

Can I see a breakdown of the Models in my portfolio?

  • Yes, different to the previous report you can now view the model portfolio performance in isolation from the loose assets in your portfolio.

Can I still use templates for my business?

  • Templates will no longer be available on the new client report, however we’ve made the report builder screens more customisable so that smaller changes for your individual client needs are easier to achieve.

Where can I get MiFID II cost and charges info?

  • We provide these costs and charges information in the clients annual statement, which is automatically generated and separate to the client report.

Can I upload a company logo?

  • Yes, you can do this whilst customising your client report, once an adviser has uploaded a logo for their firm, that adviser will not have to upload an image again, it will be saved. However it’s worth remembering that each individual adviser will have to do this, it can’t be applied at firm level.

How long can I run the report for?

  • You’ll be able to run a report back to April 2018

Why can I only run reports as far back as 2018?

  • 2018 was the year Aviva moved onto the FNZ platform, and therefore the best and most accurate information on that clients portfolio will come from that date onwards. 

Will the new reports run quicker?

  • There is less pressure on the system now as the reports are being produced all together without having to be sent to additional 3rd parties, you should notice and improvement in production times for larger reports.

How many accounts can I run a report for?

  • You can now run a report for 10 accounts, where the previous limit was 6.

Will I be able to access my old reports?

  • As is the situation today, once the report is generated it is not stored on any systems, the new report will download as a pdf and once deleted cannot be accessed again, the same as today.  

Does the report do family linking?

  • Not currently, it’s something we’re looking at for the future, but each individual will have to run their own report at the minute.

Can I save the report to my clients correspondence?

  • Yes, simply click 'Save' when producing the report to add the report to you clients correspondence which will notify them of the new documentation.

What do I do if I have an issue?

  • Hopefully you’ll find the service easy to use without issue, however if you do there is no change to the process you follow today, get in touch with your usual Aviva contact and they will get it resolved.