7IM Model Portfolio Service
Website: Model Portfolio Services for Advisers | 7IM

The 7IM Model Portfolios are a risk-rated range of model portfolios designed to complement the planning approach for advisors.
7IM Model Portfolios employ the same process and discipline we use when managing 7IM funds – Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) – the longer-term and backward-looking view – combined with, where appropriate, Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) – the short-to-medium forward-looking view.
The 7IM MPS has been risk rated by a number of leading risk profiling tool providers including Dynamic Planner, Defaqto and Finametrica.
7IM Active Model Portfolios
7IM Blended Model Portfolios
7IM Passive Model Portfolios
7IM Responsible Choice Model Portfolios
Rebalance schedule
Quarterly rebalances to align the portfolios with the Tactical Asset Allocation views of the 7IM Investment Team or, in the case of the Passive Model Portfolios, the long-term Strategic Asset Allocation.
Active & Blended – 0.25% per annum
Passive – 0.15% per annum
Responsible Choice – 0.30% per annum
Contact details
Investment Solutions
020 7760 8777
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