Bordier UK

Bordier & Cie (UK) PLC (Bordier UK) is a specialist wealth manager that promotes a long-standing culture of consistency and excellence, whether in the performance of our portfolios, the service given by our staff or our award-winning reporting. Our focus is on providing investment management services, including the management of funds for general investment accounts, ISAs, pensions, trusts and offshore bonds. Our key partners include financial advisers, lawyers, accountants, charities, family offices and other large institutions.
Our portfolios are constructed around five core investment strategies, each with differing commitments to equities and other asset classes, and benefit from a disciplined investment process which harnesses some of the stringent requirements of institutional fund management within a private client environment.
- We offer five investment strategies
- Risk is categorised by volatility of returns and subsequently equity exposure
- Portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis
- Our Platform Managed Portfolio Service provides cost effective investment management
- We have an excellent track record in producing strong and consistent risk-adjusted returns
- We have a clear and competitive pricing structure
- Our models are available on all major platform providers
- Our portfolios can be mapped to your chosen risk profile tool
Rebalance schedule
Third Monday after quarter-end
0.30% + VAT
Ian Heap, Director of Platform Management:
020 7667 6600
Bordier UK is based in London and is part of the Bordier & Cie Group. Established in Geneva in 1844, the Bordier & Cie Group operates in six countries across four continents with its headquarters in Geneva.
Bordier UK is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to provide investment management services.
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