Luna Investment Management Ltd / Thornbridge Investment Management LLP

Luna Investment Management Ltd. is an appointed representative of Thornbridge Investment Management LLP. Luna provides the investment analysis and Luna personnel sit on the Investment Committee of Thornbridge. Thornbridge is the discretionary investment manager to the platform.
Who is Thornbridge Investment Management LLP?
Thornbridge is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 713859). Thornbridge is an investment management firm, established in 2015 with approximately £1.5 Bn under management. Thornbridge specialises in working with teams of investment professionals to provide bespoke investment products.
Who is Luna Investment Management?
Luna Investment Management (FCA FRN 923454) is a specialist investment management firm based in Manchester, yet serving clients throughout the UK. Luna boasts a pedigree of investment management professionals who are highly regarded by advisers, their clients and industry peers. This team has in excess of 150 years of combined experience in the provision of discretionary investment management services to a variety of clients and their advisors. Together they have managed in excess of £1billion of client investments throughout their careers.
Why invest in the Luna MPS?
- The portfolios are managed by highly experienced Fund Managers with a pedigree in managing Model Portfolios.
- Boutique firm that gives flexibility in decision making and access to smaller investment vehicles. For example, we don't wait until a fund hits £50m or £100m like some of the larger players that need to because of their size.
- Managed by people that understand markets.
- There to support Advisers and their clients; presentations, ad hoc reporting and performance requests.
For more information on the Luna MPS (including factsheets), please visit the dedicated page on the website:
Below is the key information on the Luna MPS;
Three types; Active MPS, ESG MPS and Passive MPS.
Each have five different risk profiles. Luna 1 being the lowest risk and Luna 5 being the highest risk.
The active MPS invests in mainly active funds and the portfolio OCF is capped at 0.6%
The passive MPS invests in index-tracking funds and the portfolio OCF is capped at 0.3%
Rebalance schedule
The Model Portfolios are rebalanced quarterly in March, June, September and December.
The MPS fee is 0.25% AMC for Active and ESG MPS and 0.2% for Passive MPS.
Please note, VAT is not applied on the Luna AMC.
The MPS is created by the Investment committee that includes the Luna Chief Investment Officer, Alex Brandreth, the Thornbridge Chief Investment Officer, James Bedford and a number of other members. Alex and James’s details are below:
Alex Brandreth
James Bedford
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