M&G Wealth Investments LLP
Website: www.mandg.com/wealth/investment-solutions/mps

M&G Wealth Investments’ model portfolios are designed for investors who want a diversified mix of asset classes and regions. As part of M&G plc, we leverage the extensive investment capabilities of our parent company in investing, asset allocation, fund research, and portfolio management. We are driven by our purpose, which is to manage our customers’ savings and investments so that they can live the life they want, while aiming to make the world a little better along the way.
Using M&G Wealth Investments’ model portfolio service allows advisers to let go of the day-to-day underlying investment management responsibilities, leaving that to our investment professionals. We take care of the portfolio management, asset allocation, fund research, and risk monitoring required to deliver the aims of the portfolios. This means advisers can have more time for building relationships with their clients and delivering financial planning services.
We offer three different model portfolio ranges for different investment styles: Passive, Hybrid and Global ESG Themes.
Passive is a range of five risk-managed portfolios each with different levels of potential risk and reward. Invested regionally, they select from the 'Whole of Market' passive investment instruments. They use a long-term strategic asset allocation and a wide range of asset classes. The active tactical asset overlay aims to boost investment returns relative to the strategic asset allocation.
Hybrid is range of five risk-managed portfolios each with different levels of potential risk and reward. Invested regionally, they select from the 'Whole of Market' passive and active investment instruments. They use a long-term strategic asset allocation and a wide range of asset classes. The active tactical asset overlay aims to boost investment returns relative to the strategic asset allocation.
Global ESG Themes is a range of six risk-managed portfolios. The majority of the portfolios are invested in funds that hold global equities and global bonds, rather than focusing on a specific geographic region. This gives the fund managers a wider set of investment opportunities. The majority of the equity exposure is invested in long term themes. The themes are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and include areas such as climate action, better health and social inclusion. The portfolios are invested in funds that aim to deliver both competitive returns and positive environmental and social outcomes.
We also work with advisers to create customised model portfolio ranges where adviser firms can set a preferred strategic asset allocation and investment approach to fit with their advice process.
The value of any investment can go down as well as up, so your customer might not get back the amount they put in.
Rebalance schedule
Quarterly, or more frequently if we wish to take advantage of tactical opportunities.
Passive Range: DFM Fee 0.15%
Hybrid Range: DFM Fee 0.15%
Global ESG Themes Range: DFM 0.15%
M&G Wealth Investments LLP
10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AG
Tel: 0208 162 4929
Our Business Development Team:
Sean Hawkins, Head of Business Development
Sean.Hawkins@mandg.com, 07702 847973
James King, Business Development Manager – North
james.r.king@mandg.com, 07816 129 909
Joseph Terry, Business Development Manager – South
joseph.terry@mandg.com, 07773 665 635
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