Brooks Macdonald



As a professional adviser, you provide your clients with holistic financial advice. You have a unique understanding of their financial positions, goals and aspirations, which enables you to assess suitability on an ongoing basis. Our aim is to support you in achieving the best possible investment performance for your clients, thereby allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.

Our discretionary investment solutions apply our proven, centralised investment process. This involves the implementation of an asset allocation strategy and the evaluation and selection of individual investments, operating within the boundaries of defined risk controls. Our investment solutions are underpinned by the three key principles of our investment philosophy: to utilise a proven active investment process, to integrate effective risk management and to maintain portfolio focus.


Managed Portfolio Service (MPS):

  • MPS Low Risk (Defensive Income)
  • MPS Low Medium Risk (Income & Growth)
  • MPS Low Medium Risk (Income)
  • MPS Low Medium Risk (Income & Growth) (Passive)
  • MPS Medium Risk (Income & Growth)
  • MPS Medium Risk (Income)
  • MPS Medium Risk (Passive)
  • MPS Medium to High Risk (Growth)
  • MPS Medium to High Risk (Passive)
  • MPS High Risk (Income & Growth)
  • MPS High Risk (Growth)

Responsible Investment Service:

  • MPS Responsible Investment Advance Low-to-Medium Risk
  • MPS Responsible Investment Advance Medium Risk
  • MPS Responsible Investment Advance Medium-to-High Risk

Rebalance schedule

Bi-annual (or ad-hoc as necessary)


0.30% + VAT for all models

Consumer Duty

Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here

Contact details

020 7408 5574

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