Canaccord Genuity Wealth


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Canaccord Genuity Wealth Limited (CGWL), part of Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (CGWM) has now fully acquired Psigma Investment Management and continues to provide a tailored range of inflation plus Managed Portfolios for private clients, pension schemes, trusts and charities. CGWM is an award-winning UK wealth manager, and one of the top 10 independent wealth managers in the UK. We have successfully grown our business and reputation over the years and now in the UK and Europe our investment professionals manage and administer £33.2bn of assets (as at 31 December 2022). 

As part of our continuing commitment to financial advisers our Managed Portfolio Service has increased in capabilities and we are able to offer a full suite of managed services along with our award winning ethical portfolios. 

Rebalance schedule



Service Management Style Charges
Managed Portfolio Service Active 0.25% no VAT
Sustainable Model Portfolio Service  Active 0.25% no VAT
Fixed Interest Portfolio Service Active 0.25% no VAT
Inheritance Tax Portfolio Service Active 0.75% no VAT

Contact details

For more information about our platform portfolios please visit our website or email

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