
Castlefield is an employee-owned, Manchester-based investment and financial services group, specialising in ethical ESG investing since 2002. Over more than two decades, we have delivered competitive, values-based returns through an approach which is as rigorous as it is genuine. Our sustainable range includes single strategy funds (investing in the UK and Europe), platform models, multi asset funds, a discretionary management service and an AIM portfolio service. At Castlefield, responsible investing isn’t simply a product or bolt-on service – it’s everything we do and is integral to everything we stand for. We've carried this belief and these values right through to the way in which we’ve built and run the firm - with our own corporate sustainability very much in mind. That’s why we're known as the thoughtful investor ®.
Castlefield was established in 2002 and provides ethical, sustainable, or 'ESG' investing available on AVIVA. Their range of 9 model portfolios was launched in 2012 and as such they have a long history of managing money from an ESG perspective in a variety of market conditions. The Models have three broad investment objectives being Income, Growth, or a balance of the two, all with three choices of risk profile.
Rebalance schedule
When investment markets dictate usually 3 - 4 times per annum.
0.1% AMC, plus underlying fund costs
John Alexander
Tel: 07887 583204
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