City Asset Management (CAM)

Managing your client’s investments takes considerable time and resources. But, by partnering with us, we can take some of that workload off your shoulders and help you do business more efficiently. Our Managed Portfolio Service (‘MPS’) offers your client access to 8 professionally managed portfolios (3 of which are sustainable) with clearly defined objectives and risk profiles. This allows you to free up more of your time to focus on financial planning and building relationships, with the peace of mind that your client’s investment is in safe hands.
Defaqto (an independent rating agency) has recognised the quality of our service by awarding us the maximum 5 star rating for our MPS.
Sustainable services
Our actions today shape the world of tomorrow. Whether it’s working to prevent climate change or tackling social inequality, we all have a responsibility to drive positive change. Our CAM Sustainable service is therefore designed for clients who wish to invest their money for good and make more impact with their investment choices.
All our portfolios integrate ESG factors, but our Sustainable portfolios go one step further and provide exposure to the most sustainable opportunities:
- Assets that demonstrate superior management of ESG issues or actively contribute to sustainable solutions. This includes screening out exposure to certain sectors or companies.
- Opportunities that deliver a measured positive impact towards sustainable development, such as investments in renewable energies or social housing.
All 8 of our managed portfolios aim to create wealth for your client by delivering consistent returns over the longer-term (7 years +). We focus on delivering real returns and outperforming inflation, with portfolios that cover a range of performance targets depending on your client’s appetite for risk:
- Real2 and Sustainable Real2 - Aim to outperform CPI + 2% p.a. over the investment cycle
- Real3 and Sustainable Real3 - Aim to outperform CPI + 3% p.a. over the investment cycle
- Real4 and Sustainable Real4 - Aim to outperform CPI + 4% p.a. over the investment cycle
- Growth - Aims to outperform the MSCI PIMFA Growth Index over the investment cycle
- Global Equity - Aims to outperform the MSCI PIMFA Global Growth over the investment cycle
Navigating through challenging markets to meet these targets requires expertise, experience and resources – a combination that we at City Asset Management have consistently delivered to investors and advisers for over 30 years.
Rebalance schedule
A low, all-inclusive management fee of 0.25% p.a.
Contact details
Chris Gillam
Head of Business Development
07956 291366
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