Website: Multi-Asset Portfolios Core | Financial Intermediaries | CREDO (

Credo is an independently owned, wealth and asset management group established in 1998 with offices in London and South Africa. Credo is authorised and regulated by the FCA and is a member of the London Stock Exchange. In 2023, we won the Best Small Firm Award at the Citywire Investment Performance Awards, based on the 3 year risk-adjusted returns of our Multi-Asset Portfolios. In 2024, we won 3 awards at the Defaqto MPS Comparator Awards, including Overall Winner in the Cautious category for Credo MAP Core 45/55. The key points regarding our portfolios are shown below:
- The Credo Multi-Asset Portfolios team takes a different approach to many others. It makes investment decisions based on what is backed by long term academic evidence, instead of on current market trends or conditions
- 5 Core portfolios launched in 2014
- Designed to meet different client risk profiles with 5 different levels of equity exposure
- Patient and disciplined long term, evidence-based approach
- We combine rigorous research, intellectual honesty and long-term historical data to guide the decision-making process. This is evidence-based investing
- Low-turnover and focus on reducing costs
- We strive to embed the benefits of diversification across the investment process
- Independently risk rated by Defaqto
- 0.25% investment management fee
- Low underlying cost of holdings, with ETFs included
- Not usually suitable for regular savings or income-seeking investors
Credo MAP Core 20/80
Credo MAP Core 45/55
Credo MAP Core 60/40
Credo MAP Core 70/30
Credo MAP Core 100
Rebalance schedule
At Manager’s discretion
0.25% Investment Fee
Damian Yeomans, Head: Investment Distribution
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