Crossing Point Investment Management Limited

Created as a collaboration between IFAs, academia and industry professionals, Crossing Point Investment Management was conceived in 2014 and formed in 2018 based on the conclusion of extensive academic research into an investment philosophy established upon trend-following and tactical trading. Our investment strategies are stringently based upon exhaustive and robust research and testing, backed up by MSc and PhD research papers. Unlike many established and incumbent investment managers, we do not only rely upon static buy and hold strategies. We are fund selectors, asset allocators, market monitors and tactical traders.
5 Guardian trend following portfolios, 4 Heritage Investment Trust portfolios,2 Heritage Dividend Investment Trust income portfolios, 3 Green Path ESG portfolios.
Rebalance schedule
Guardian portfolios are trend following and are typically rebalanced monthly when indicators signal to do so. Heritage and Green Path portfolios are rebalanced less frequently generally six monthly.
DFM charges 0.25% plus VAT
Consumer Duty
Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here
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