Evelyn Partners Investment Management Services Limited
Website: https://www.evelyn.com/financial-advisers/uk-advisers/

Evelyn Partners is the UK’s leading integrated wealth management and professional services group, created by the merger of Tilney and Smith & Williamson. While our name has changed our commitment to delivering a world class experience to our clients remains as strong today as it always has been. Founded more than 180 years ago, the group is trusted to look after £55.8 billion of assets (as at 31 March 2022) for our global clients from offices across the UK, Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands.
All of our services are underpinned by a disciplined investment process and delivered by highly qualified and experienced professionals.
Evelyn Partners’ purpose is to ‘place the power of good investment advice into more hands’ and believe we are uniquely placed to support financial advisers and their clients navigate the ever-changing investment landscape to achieve their goals.
Evelyn Partners offer 3 MPS ranges via the Aviva Hub; Core, Active and Sustainable. Each range of portfolios are risk rated and actively manged with a focus on achieving returns ahead of cash and inflation over the long-term whilst minimising the impact of costs.
Rebalance schedule
No set rebalancing.
Core MPS 0.20% VAT exempt
Sustainable MPS 0.20% VAT exempt
Active MPS 0.25% VAT exempt
Contact the UK team | Evelyn Partners
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