Financial Express Investments Ltd

FE Investments offers a range of risk-targeted portfolios with a tried and tested track record. Since launching our Discretionary Managed Portfolios in 2015, we have become a multi-award-winning Discretionary Fund Manager and been named as one of the fastest growing DFMs on platform.
FE Investments was born out of FE fundinfo’s expertise in data and analysis and this experience is integral to the success of our Managed Portfolio Service.
FE Investments are a risk manager, our focus is on controlling risk and maximising diversification. We aim to avoid the inherent risk of predicting the future of global markets and therefore do not focus on market calls. Instead, we focus on the risk within the asset allocation and underlying funds, whilst maximising the diversification within the portfolio.
- Hybrid – 15 cost targeted models using a blend of active and passive investments across 5 risk levels and 3 time horizons.
- Mosaic - 15 models aimed at higher net worth investors split across 5 risk levels and 3 time horizons.
- Responsibly Managed – 15 portfolios for those looking to invest in ethical or sustainable investments, across 5 risk levels and 3 time horizons.
- Natural Income Solution – for those looking to grow capital above inflation whilst drawing an income that grows over time.
Rebalance schedule
Twice-yearly or quarterly depending on the range.
Contact details
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