Hawksmoor Investment Management
Website: www.hawksmoorim.co.uk

Hawksmoor Investment Management is an independent boutique investment manager. We are headquartered in Exeter, with offices across the South West, London and East of England.
Hawksmoor is focussed on providing outsourced investment solutions to Financial Advisers. In addition to Model Portfolios, we offer bespoke discretionary management, a BPR-based AIM Portfolio Service and a range of funds of funds. We have a strong capability in Sustainable investments. Our suitability and portfolio construction processes are designed to dovetail with those of the IFA, to ensure that our portfolios perform as promoted and expected.
Wellian Investment Solutions is now part of Hawksmoor Investment Management.
Hawksmoor Model Portfolio Range: -
- Cautious (0-40% Equity) Core Model Portfolio
- Cautious (0-40% Equity) Higher Income Model Portfolio
- Cautious (0-40% Equity) Sustainable World Model Portfolio
- Moderate (40-60% Equity) Core Model Portfolio
- Moderate (40-60% Equity) Higher Income Model Portfolio
- Moderate (40-60% Equity) Sustainable World Model Portfolio
- Adventurous (60-80% Equity) Core Model Portfolio
- Adventurous (60-80% Equity) Higher Income Model Portfolio
- Adventurous (60-80% Equity) Sustainable World Model Portfolio
- Equity Risk (80-100% Equity) Core Model Portfolio
- Equity Risk (80-100% Equity) Higher Income Model Portfolio
- Equity Risk (80-100% Equity) Sustainable World Model Portfolio
Wellian (HIS) Model Portfolio Range: -
- Wellian (HIS) Balanced Model
- Wellian (HIS) Conservative Model
- Wellian (HIS) Growth Model
- Wellian (HIS) Income Model
- Wellian (HIS) High Income Model
- Wellian (HIS) Ethical Model
- Wellian (HIS) Ethical Cautious Model
- Wellian (HIS) Passive Balanced Model
- Wellian (HIS) Passive Conservative Model
- Wellian (HIS) Passive Growth Model
- Wellian (HIS) Passive Income Model
Rebalance schedule
There is no fixed rebalancing schedule, instead we choose to make amendments and rebalance our Model Portfolios when deemed necessary. Although models will be assessed, at least, quarterly.
The Annual Management Charges are as follows: -
Hawksmoor Model Portfolio Range 0.25%
Wellian (HIS) Model Portfolio Range - Active 0.35%
Wellian (HIS) Model Portfolio Range - Passive 0.25%
Contact details
Jill Gill: Jill.Gill@hawksmoorim.co.uk
0139 241 0180
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