HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

HSBC Global Asset Management provides investment opportunities across multiple asset classes and capabilities, focusing on connecting the developed and developing world to unlock sustainable investment opportunities for investors and their advisers.
Through a long-term commitment to our clients, we deliver expert insights and specialist investment strategies that draw on our global on-the-ground expertise. HSBC Global Managed Portfolio Service is a cost-efficient, globally managed portfolio service from a highly experienced team offering a choice of 5 easy-to-understand risk rated portfolios.
Global Managed Portfolio Service:
- HSBC Global MPS – Cautious
- HSBC Global MPS – Conservative
- HSBC Global MPS – Balanced
- HSBC Global MPS – Dynamic
- HSBC Global MPS - Adventurous
The HSBC Global MPS has been risk rated by two of the leading risk profiling tool providers: Dynamic Planner and Synaptic Risk.
Rebalance schedule
At the discretion of the portfolio manager.
There is no defined rebalance schedule in place. The fund managers monitor the portfolios on ongoing basis and have full discretion over rebalancing. We would expect to rebalance between 4 and 8 times a year.
Charges for Global Managed Portfolio Service
- Annual Management Charge (AMC): 0.15% + VAT
- This fee will be charged directly from your investment portfolio
- Estimated OCF (fulfilment and transaction costs). These costs relate to charges for managing the underlying investments and costs incurred by the underlying instruments when buying and selling component holdings. These costs are in the range of 13 to 17bps
Contact details
Client services team:
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