King & Shaxson Ethical Investing

At King & Shaxson we understand the interaction between investment objectives and ethics, and we have designed six ethical model portfolios to cater for a range of risk and income requirements. The portfolios are designed to meet ethical investor’s concerns, avoiding involvement in armaments, tobacco etc, whilst focusing on investments in solutions to social and environmental challenges. We have been managing ethical portfolios since 2002, it is our sole mandate and not part of an overall fund management offering, meaning we have a track record in ethical investing.
- Defensive
- Cautious
- Income
- Balanced
- Growth
- Adventurous
Rebalance schedule
No set schedule. Although most investments are held for the long-term, we monitor portfolios on a daily basis and can make changes as circumstances dictate, acting both quickly and efficiently, so investors can delegate the management of their investments to an experienced and reliable manager whom they can trust.
Ranging from 0.48% inc VAT to 0.24% inc VAT depending on AUM
Contact details
Craig Hart:
0207 426 5979
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