Liontrust Investment Partners LLP

Liontrust is a specialist fund management company that takes pride in having a distinct culture and approach to running money. What makes Liontrust distinct? We are an independent business with no corporate parent, our head office is on the Strand in London and we have offices in Edinburgh and Luxembourg. We believe in the benefits of active fund management over the long term and all our fund managers are truly active.We focus only on those areas of investment in which we have particular expertise. We have seven fund management teams: five that invest in UK, European, Asian and Global equities, one team that manages Multi-Asset portfolios and a Sustainable Investment team. Our fund managers are independent thinkers and have the courage of their convictions in making investment decisions.Each fund management team applies distinct and rigorous investment processes to the management of funds and portfolios that ensure the way we manage money is predictable and repeatable.
Why Liontrust’s multi-asset portfolios? We offer a broad range of target risk portfolios that are actively managed by John Husselbee and Paul Kim. The range is designed to enable clients to choose those that are managed with an appropriate level of investment risk and which will help them to reach their investment goals through changing economic cycles and environments. The Service and investment process are designed to achieve two main objectives:
- To achieve maximum returns for each model portfolio within the pre-determined volatility range
- To deliver the outcome expected by investors dependent on their appetite for risk.
Growth | Income | Dynamic Beta |
Liontrust MPS Growth 1 | Liontrust MPS Income 1 | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 1 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 2 | Liontrust MPS Income 2 | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 2 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 3 | Liontrust MPS Income 3 | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 3 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 4 | Liontrust MPS Income 4 | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 4 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 5 | Liontrust MPS Income 5 | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 5 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 6 | Liontrust MPS Income 6 | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 6 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 7 | - | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 7 |
Liontrust MPS Growth 8 | - | Liontrust MPS Dynamic Beta 8 |
Rebalance schedule
0.30% + VAT
Consumer Duty
Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here
Contact details
Mark Keogh:
0207 412 1777
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