MAIA Asset Management

MAIA Asset Management is a boutique investment company offering 10 risk-rated managed portfolios, actively managed by highly experienced specialist managers with a focus on optimum performance. All of MAIA’s portfolios use Distribution Technology’s risk output.
Their investment process is a continuous exercise which is based on their initial strategic asset allocation. MAIA continually monitor funds’ asset allocations relative to benchmarks and have an ongoing review of fund selections. Whilst MAIA believe in active management, their primary concern is to identify funds capable of maintaining consistent results over the longer term.
The team’s breadth of experience allows them to invest across a diverse range of funds, including more esoteric funds, such as global convertibles and thematic funds, and they consider their investment style to be a diversified, multi-asset approach.
With the aim of utilising their position to offer full support and a personal customer service to financial advisers, MAIA offer direct access to their investment managers.
MAIA Strategic Reserve Portfolio
MAIA Absolute Return Portfolio
MAIA Smart Beta Cautious portfolio
MAIA Balanced Income Portfolio
MAIA Balanced Portfolio
MAIA Balanced Smart Beta Portfolio
MAIA Growth Portfolio
MAIA Growth Smart Beta Portfolio
MAIA Adventurous Portfolio
MAIA Adventurous Smart Beta Portfolio
Rebalance schedule
Quarterly basis
0.5% +VAT
Contact details
Sophie Taylor, Product Specialist
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