Momentum Global Investment Management

Momentum Global Investment Management (Momentum) was established in the UK in 1988. We focus on designing, building, and managing outcome-based investment solutions, delivered through multi-asset funds, DFM model portfolios and tailored client solutions. The firm is part of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited, a large South African insurance and investment business, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
The Momentum Managed Portfolios were designed to give investors access to discretionary investment strategies. Our solutions are structured to provide a sophisticated investment offering that aims to perform strongly in an array of market conditions and is very competitively priced. Our model portfolio range consists of six Managed Portfolios and one Income Portfolio designed to cater for a wide range of risk and return appetites. All the Portfolios utilise our investment desk’s macroeconomic views, asset allocation framework and contain investment strategies carefully selected by the team from leading global financial institutions.
The Portfolios offer targeted inflation-plus returns over four or more years. They are broadly diversified investing in a range of equities, fixed income, cash, property, and alternative strategies. The Portfolios asset allocation is actively managed and reflects Momentum’s views on asset classes, regions, and currency. These can be implemented using either active or passive strategies.
Rebalance schedule
The Portfolios are also rebalanced on a regular basis to ensure that the asset allocations adhere to the original risk profiles. The continual review of the level of expected returns from each asset class determines the ongoing composition of each portfolio.
The Managed and Income Portfolio's have a DFM charge of 0.25% and an indicative fund charge that ranges between 0.39% and 0.71% (subject to change).
Consumer Duty
Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here
Contact details
Distribution services:
0207 618 1806
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