OCM Asset Management
Website: www.ocmassetmanagement.co.uk

As a family run business, we understand the delicate balancing act of managing investment growth and protecting capital. In our opinion, it is more important for us to deliver stable investment returns over the short, medium and long term, rather than being a star performer one minute and a fool the next. No one likes shocks, and the need to deliver on agreed outcomes and balance the risks forms the foundation of our centralised investment proposition.
Through our sound and robust investment process, we work with Advisers across the UK to achieve their clients’ goals without taking excessive risk throughout the market cycle.
OBI Active Portfolio range
OBI Passive Portfolio range
OBI ESG Portfolio range
Long Hold Portfolio range
Rebalance schedule
Quarterly, or ad hoc where strategy changes are required
0.3% DFM service charge per annum (we are VAT exempt)
Georgina Stone | Deputy CIO
Phone: 01604 621467
Email: Georgina@ocmassetmanagement.co.uk
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