P1 Investment Management Limited
Website: www.p1-im.co.uk

P1 Investment Management (P1) is a discretionary investment manager working closely with industry professionals, using technology to overcome the restrictions and limitations dominant in many traditional investment houses. Our Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) provides a range of carefully and professionally managed investment portfolios spanning hybrid, passive and ethical portfolios. With the client outcome in mind, our investment process combines our strategic and tactical asset allocation with granular portfolio construction and stock selection to add further value. Our portfolios are built around core holdings with satellite tactical investments aiming to take advantage of shorter term themes. Our hybrid portfolios consist of active and passive investments. Passive investments are used where we believe active managers are not able to add value sufficiently to justify the higher charges. As a result, we believe our hybrid portfolios have the ability to outperform while having a lower overall cost. We also strive to raise awareness about the importance of ethical and sustainable investment and increase familiarity with the concept through seminars and lectures. We endeavour to engage with fund houses and to shape the ethical and sustainable investment debate.
Adventurous - Wealth Accumulator portfolio, Growth Seeker - Wealth Accumulator portfolio, Growth Focus - Hybrid portfolio, Lower Risk Growth - Wealth Accumulator portfolio, Protective - Wealth Accumulator portfolio. Retirement Income Cautious - Retirement Income portfolio, Retirement Income Lower Risk - Retirement Income portfolio, Retirement Income Moderate - Retirement Income portfolio, Retirement Income Moderate-Adventurous - Retirement Income portfolio, Retirement Income Adventurous - Retirement Income portfolio, Asset Tracker Adventurous - Passive portfolio, Asset Tracker Moderate Adventurous - Passive portfolio, Asset Tracker Moderate - Passive portfolio, Asset Tracker Cautious Moderate - Passive portfolio, Asset Tracker Cautious - Passive portfolio, Asset Tracker Conservative - Passive portfolio. Ethical Adventurous - Ethical & Sustainable portfolio, Ethical Growth - Ethical & Sustainable portfolio, Ethical Temperate - Ethical & Sustainable portfolio, Ethical Lower Risk - Ethical & Sustainable portfolio. Responsible Asset Tracker Cautious - Ethical passive portfolio, Responsible Asset Tracker Cautious Moderate - Ethical Passive portfolio, Responsible Asset Tracker Moderate - Ethical Passive portfolio, Responsible Asset Tracker Moderate Adventurous - Ethical passive portfolio, Responsible Asset Tracker Adventurous - Ethical Passive portfolio.
Rebalance schedule
Quarterly every January, April, July and October
Wealth Accumulator & Retirement Income Models- 0.25% (no VAT) / 0.1% (no VAT) for assets £1m+
Ethical Models- 0.2% (no VAT) / 0.1% (no VAT) for assets £1m+
Asset Tracker Models (inc Responsible Asset Trackers)- 0.1% (no VAT)
Contact details
Jonathan Richards, Head of Business Development:
07496 362 296 or 01392 953 076
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