Premier Miton Investors

The Premier Portfolio Management Service offers a choice of managed investment solutions, comprising three income portfolios, eight growth portfolios and four risk targeted portfolios, designed to meet the different long-term investment needs of investors. The Premier Portfolio Management Service sits alongside Premier Miton's established range of funds. These funds form the investment building blocks of each of the portfolios, cover a variety of asset classes and markets and are managed by Premier Miton's specialist investment managers and investment teams. The portfolios are actively managed by the Premier Portfolio Management Service investment committee, led by Premier Miton's Chief Investment Officer.
- Premier Capital Builder
- Premier Capital Builder Plus
- Premier Conservative
- Premier Balanced
- Premier Balanced Plus
- Premier Growth
- Premier Growth Plus
- Premier Dynamic Growth
- Premier High Income
- Premier Income
- Premier Income & Growth
- Premier Risk Targeted 4
- Premier Risk Targeted 5
- Premier Risk Targeted 5
- Premier Risk Targeted 7
Rebalance schedule
The Premier Portfolio Management Service Investment Committee, led by Premier Miton's Chief Investment Officer and attended by Premier Miton's Chief Risk Officer, meet monthly to discuss and review the asset allocation and fund selection for each of the portfolios. The reviews may result in potential changes to a portfolio.
Premier Fund Managers Ltd does not charge a fee for providing the Portfolio Management Service. However, charges do apply to the Premier Miton funds which will be included in the portfolio. There is an annual management charge applied, which for investors investing through Aviva is 0.75% per annum.
Contact details
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